Rollo Tomassi

I think that might have been Bill Clinton's endgame.

I'm actually from California. My grandfather was from Arkansas.

I didn't think you were being an asshole or anything. I just didn't want it to turn into, "Trump's supporters are all toothless hicks." I come from a long line of Arkansas liberals myself, so I'm a little sensitive to that.

I'm not saying kowtow to the racists and homophobes, but I think that those parts of the country are winnable for the Democrats. They were until very recently. I think it's possible to appeal to the white working class without scapegoating other disadvantaged groups. It might take some work, but the payoff is worth it.

That's weird, because I usually just skim the comments.

I think it's absolutely ridiculous that poor people in Appalachia support Trump and his ilk, but jokes about their backwardness and isolation probably don't help things.

It's like he's applied the teachings of pick-up artists to all interactions.

-Dikachu, arguing with friends about who they should invite to their party.

I think him turning a Boy Scout jamboree into a political rally is a perfectly legitimate reason to disdain the guy. Is it less consequential than ACA repeal? Of course, but it still says something about his twisted personality and his intentions for this country, and it's totally reasonable to be pissed about it.

Your mention of Rick Perry has reminded me that, of the several Eagle Scouts in the cabinet, Trump brought all of them along with one exception: Jeff Sessions. Just like how he didn't let Sean Spicer meet the pope. The man is almost a bigger piece of shit to his friends than his enemies.

To be honest, the Boy Scouts have always reminded me of the Hitler Youth. Probably because the Scouts are the basis for all those youth paramilitary groups. Hitler Youth, Young Pioneers and whatnot are all pretty much based on the Boy Scouts. Of course, their emphasis is a little less wholesome.

Well, it was in West Virginia, the state where his approval rating is highest. I assume local troops are more likely to be able to make it to the jamboree.

And the puns keep trickling in.

He probably would have ordered sherry or something, and I just don't know how I could talk to someone after that.

Unfortunately, very few cable systems carry Sincerity Central.

Oh, I've never heard anything about that in real life or anything. I just meant that Byrne's written a lot of stories about grown men dating or marrying women that they met when they (the women) were teenagers.

You're right, but it depresses me no end that a significant number of Americans thought, "One of these guys is incompetent, has gotten us into a couple of unwinnable wars, and is essentially trying to destroy the middle and lower classes, but the other one kind of vaguely seems like he might think he's smarter than

I thought John Byrne liked them before they needed to shave anything.


That'll do.