Rollo Tomassi

You think you're pretty Shamusing don't you?

Maybe not quite as intimidating, but you still don't want to fuck with them.

The Ku Klown Klan is less well-known that most other racial hate groups, but far more terrifying.

America will never change over from Imperial Clowns.

World War II, Genocidal Boogaloo

Sonoma. We had a handful of Donner party survivors settle here. I have no idea if they have any living descendants still in town. Same goes for Boggs.

One important thing Pinker points out about the decline in violence is that it's a "downward sawtooth graph." In other words, while the overall trend is towards a less violent world, there are occasional periods where things suddenly get absolutely crazy violent before settling back down again, World War II being one

I was reading about the Missouri Expulsion Order on Wikipedia, ended up reading about Boggs, and discovered that the town in California where he ended up was the one I've lived in all my life. He was one of our first alcaldes (mayor), a state assemblyman, postmaster, prominent businessman, etc. And also a terrible,

Read "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined" by Steven Pinker. He talks a lot about how, when and why we've gotten more humane. Unfortunately, it's still an ongoing process, but at least most of us aren't nailing cats to posts for fun anymore.

People who think that definitions of words are immutable irritate the hell out of me. You'll always see them in internet comment sections giving people shit for saying "decimate" when they don't mean the destruction of a tenth.

Aren't wax museums like 40 bucks to get in? I just don't see how that can be worth it.

Go back and watch Scott McLellan's press briefings during the Bush presidency. He makes Spicer look amazingly calm and collected.

Rick Perry! I knew there were three I felt bad for, but I couldn't remember the third one!

Hey, let's not try to divert this website's focus to pop culture.

Has anyone called her "Sarah Huckstery Slanders" yet?

I think we shouldn't Baby this guy. Since he grew up in fairly Posh circumstances, you can assume that he's educated enough to know what he's complicit in. We've been pretty Sporty about his mistakes, but it's really pretty Scary how much we've let this administration get away with while making fun of his

Unfortunately, Spicer probably wasn't involved in any decision-making, so the really good (read: incriminating) stuff won't be in there.

The one similarity between Mencken and most members of the Trump administration is a withering contempt for the American public. Of course, in Mencken's case that contempt was based on an at least somewhat justified feeling of superiority.

When you have fame and fortune and everything that goes with it, they let you do it. Anything you want. Grab 'em by the pussy.

I would watch a show set in modern, independent Indian Territory.