Rollo Tomassi

I was thinking about what would happen if the south won the Civil War, and I wasn't pondering any silliness like actual legal slavery still existing in an industrialized country in the 21st century (not saying it wouldn't be an extremely racist society, probably something akin to what it really was in the 50's, just

Jeff Sessions is loosening the laws on asset forfeiture! Things are looking up for my fantasy racism team! I might eve take the league title!

I suppose he had free government health care in Hanoi, too, but the quality probably left a little to be desired. Also, his main health problems were a result of torture, which was also something he'd been supplied with for free by the North Vietnamese government.

That's wrong for a milliard of reasons.

I dated a 19 year old when I was about 26, and I don't think it was necessarily wrong or anything, but ultimately it was a pretty terrible relationship because we were in very different phases of our life. That's more or less when I decided that "legal adult" does not necessarily mean "totally OK to date." Are there

When I was 20, that was sort of true. Now, I'd say that they very gradually become attractive somewhere between 23 and 30. You know, when they're adults, and not only in a legal sense.

I don't think people are pushing a "black man as sexual predator" narrative so much as a "R. Kelly as sexual predator" narrative. A narrative that is easy to push in that it has the truth on its side.

Not health insurance; free, government provided health care. Which he has had for literally his entire life.

In the beginning there was nothing. And then God said "Your behavior has upset me so much that I'm blowing random dudes."

I was kidding. I realize that they were all originally independent of each other.

Can we just admit that they both aren't really very good?

Nope. It's Carls, jr. And Best Foods mayonnaise. The rest of you are just doing it wrong.

Well, let's just say that they've realized the practical value of human decency, then.

The weird part is that I'm super thankful for these few absolutely horrible tea partiers, because if they weren't around the Republicans would be passing way more legislation.

Well, a big part of the problem for him is that two or three Republican senators haven't completely abandoned human decency and common sense, and so aren't reliable votes. When they are able to craft legislation to get those few onboard there's about five or so who refuse to vote with the majority if the legislation

It's called Carl's, jr!!!!

Man, all that stuff is so terrible, I think I'm going go out and blow a bunch of random people.

"Hey! Where are *you* going?"

Maybe you just don't know they're upset.

It's just such a weird thing to think. "You're behavior has upset me so much that I'm blowing dudes," is an obviously insane statement. How someone can seriously think that is beyond me.