Rollo Tomassi

It's H.G. Peter. The man's name was Harry Peter. No joke.

Wait a minute; she's upset that her married friend is sleeping with a bunch of dudes, so she's responding by going out and blowing random guys herself? Sounds like two unrelated problems to me.

No, Chipotle is worse. Taco Bill doesn't give anyone e. coli.

She's not a pothead. It's usually when she's hungover.

You know what I find weird about that song? It makes the point the Carter is convicted by an all-white jury immediately after saying that all the black people thought he was guilty, too. So what does it matter if the jury is all-white?

Yeah, for me, the only way I've ever gotten in anyone's pants is by working my verbal charm. A place that's too loud to carry on a conversation isn't really conducive to that. Bars are difficult, clubs are impossible.

I'm always trying to explain to people that it's clearly a crime against god and nature to have meat come in loaves.

About once or twice a year, I'll get McNuggets and fries. Also about once or twice a year, I'll get a burger from In-N-Out. And that's pretty much my entire fast food consumption.

We don't have Bojangle's here. I suppose you could say we have Hardee's, we just call it Carl's Jr. But no, I haven't had their sausage and egg biscuits. Something about fast food eggs is a big turnoff to me. I'm also generally not a breakfast person, anyway. Probably related to the fact that I usually get out of bed

Probably not, actually. Potatoes have nearly all your nutritional requirements included in them, the milk in the mac and cheese would have most of the rest, and the chicken fingers provide the protein. Don't fall into the trap of idealizing pre-industrial societies. Most people would have been on the verge of

My first job was bussing tables at a Chinese restaurant. If there's one thing little kids love its spreading as much rice as possible all over the goddamn floor. It's a real bitch to pick up, as are noodles.

Oh, for sure. It all has to do with patterns of immigrations. As I mentioned in another comment, here in California we have more Mexican restaurants than anything else. In Australia or the UK, if I could even find a Mexican place, I'd be pretty hesitant to eat there.

My favorite are the people who order something not on the menu in such a casual, nonchalant way that you end up thinking, "Wait, did the menu change? Did we add a Caesar salad since the last time I worked?" I also get a lot of people who assume that just because something is relatively simple or common, then of course

Good for keeping your weight down. Bad for preventing scurvy, rickets, pellagra and goiter.

Yeah, I know it's originally French, but it's definitely just as naturalized in the US as ground beef from Hamburg.

Me either. But if it's a full-on Japanese restaurant, I'm happy to go with someone who just wants sushi. We're not splitting the bill 50/50, though.

I really fucking hate bell peppers. They're from the pit of Hell.

I work with a women who consistently insists the employee meals are too spicy. She can only eat the blandest food, usually cereal. The weird thing is, she's from Italy.

We don't have nearly as many food courts as you do, either. And almost all of them are in shopping malls.

I generally agree with you about what's available in small towns, but here in California, there'll generally be more than one Mexican place. In fact, it's not uncommon for *every* restaurant to be a Mexican place.