Rollo Tomassi

As long as it's not from a drive-thru that's within 500 feet of a school.

I used to do that. There was a lot of stuff I just assumed I didn't like, including some things that just sounded like they'd have ingredients I didn't care for. I've chilled out a lot on that.

My girlfriend's parents went to great lengths to keep her from eating junk food or watching TV as a kid. She thinks this is why she will now occasionally sit on the couch eating Taco Bell and watching shitty television for like twelve hours.

Excellent point. Except for the very wealthiest people, the idea of any sort of "cuisine" is probably only a couple of hundred years old. Before that you ate whatever was available. Some sort of grain or maybe potatoes formed the basis of everyone's diet, with whatever fruits and vegetables they were able to get a

I'm pretty picky myself, although I've learned to like a few more things in the last few years. One funny aspect of it is that I'm pretty open to foreign cuisine, but I can't stand a lot of the more traditional American cuisine. Mayonnaise disgusts me, I won't touch meatloaf, etc. And I don't really do salads. For the

I work in room service at a hotel that has a Michelin-starred restaurant. It amazes me when people call up and ask where they can find a kids' menu. I want to answer, "At Applebee's."

The appeal of fast food breakfast completely escapes me. The fact that all-day breakfast is the new big thing for all the chains is baffling.

It's way less common here than Australia. Almost never to be found in any food court. Generally speaking, you wouldn't expect a smallish town to have any Indian restaurants, but they're not impossible to find elsewhere.

Y'know, I'm a pretty picky eater, but I don't inflict it on anyone else. I can always find something on the menu. Nonetheless, there are people who manage to take it personally that I don't like certain things. How is it their fucking business?

Let's just say that America finally no longer needs your help.

You mean "not at all to most people, but very much so to a small and enthusiastic minority?"

I remember the first time I fingered a bowcaster. I definitely got better at it as I got older.

Thanks for posting pretty much exactly what I wanted to say, and doing so much more eloquently than I could, thus preventing me from having to repeatedly explain, "No, I'm not defending it, just saying it's not *exactly* the same thing as child molestation."

Yeah, whenever the Woody Allen conversation comes up, I feel the need to say, "No, she's not his daughter, he didn't raise her, and they didn't get together until she was a legal adult. It's only like a seven on a creepy scale of ten."

True enough, I suppose. All we know for certain is that he has a history of having sex with underage girls, who he occasionally videotapes himself urinating on.

I don't disagree; I was just trying to come up with some kind of rational explanation for why the president pro tem is anywhere in the line of succession. It's not a great system, and we should have something a little more logical.

"Kindly bring your face close to my private region so that it becomes all that lies within your field of vision."

Wasn't Jackson from an area that was so shitty and in the boonies that people literally neither knew nor cared which Carolina it was in?

He said "while in office." Trump manumitted Christie shortly after the election.

It would be nice if the Second Amendment wasn't such a weird, multi-claused beast of a sentence.