Rollo Tomassi

My town supposedly lost the county seat for being pro-Confederate. I haven't seen any documentation for that, but it's a thing I've heard. I do know that a neighboring town stole the county records in the dead of night and stuff and then got a judge or the legislature or something to move the county seat there. And

Ugh, wish I'd seen this before I made my comment. I actually almost went with "Jeremiah" as Fuck's first name.

And what do you think King was doing in France? He was on 19th century French Grindr day and night.

Uh, Adams was an 18th century president, too. But, yes you have a point about the currency thing.

I keep hoping that Trump is abandoned by his party just like Tyler, but apparently 19th century slave-owning believers in Manifest Destiny had more integrity than today's Republicans.

I find the handful of differences between the US and Confederate constitutions to be interesting. It wasn't really any more decentralized than the Union, at least on paper. The only differences I can think of off the top of my head are the CSA constitution explicitly protected slavery, specifically mentioned God (yet

I assume that I have blankets made in the past few years that were sewn by slaves. Well, nearly slaves.

Maybe next election we'll have "swing state ruffians" going from Idaho to Nevada or West Virginia and Kentucky to Ohio to beat up Democrats and stuff ballot boxes.

Hoover was also a California resident, even though he was born in Iowa. Of course, being a big international businessman, relief coordinator, and Secretary of Commerce, his connection to any one place would have been pretty tenuous, I guess.

Maybe that's kind of the point of putting the president pro tem in the line of succession. Once you're that far down, you definitely want someone who's only going to be a caretaker. If, by some miracle, we ended up with Orrin Hatch becoming president in the next couple of years, we know that he wouldn't try to put

And every state had its own currency. I find that fascinating, for some reason. You'd have exchanges like, "How many Massachusetts dollars for one Connecticut pound?" "One and two shillings." "I only have one pound, but I've got twenty New Hampshire cents; is will that be close enough." "All right, but I'm doing you a

Sadly, New Jersey governor Enoch P. Fuck declined the nomination.

Actual Democratic slogan: "We Polked 'em in 1844. We'll Pierce 'em in '52!"

Ideally he gets attacked by another Republican so that we don't have to deal with any Fox News bullshit about "liberal intolerance."

Polk was also Speaker of the House, a job you'd think would go to someone people actually get along with, but occasionally it'll go to a Newt Gingrich.

It's crazy that we have a decent sized chunk of our nation's history that's post-revolution but pre-constitution. You never hear much about what happened during that timeframe, though.

I really hope Steve King is the one who gets beaten.

"The Dude President" is an amazing nickname. Interesting how the definition of that word has shifted in that time.

Upvoted for "veto my pension." That's some quality obscure historical knowledge right there.

I only knew about Hawaii and California, and the second one only because that's where I live.