Rollo Tomassi

Especially ones that are majority minority.

I can only assume this was greenlighted by an executive who recently awoke from a twenty year coma.

He just seems so chill all the time I figure he hasn't got any hangups or feelings of inadequacy. Of course, he drives the most phallic car ever, so maybe I'm wrong about that.

Trump would be the type to sympathize with Sylvester.

I just want a rock hammer and a poster of Rita Hayworth.

"They're not sending their best. They're rapists, they're murderers, they're Frito Banditos.

The late sixties and early seventies were a progressive time. The government was actually willing to take quick action to fix problems. Except for Vietnam. That took a while.

My great-grandmother chewed Red Man. Seriously.

Pretty sure Betty only kept Barney around because he was amazing in bed.

Before and after you crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women?

That's why he voted for Millard Fillmore in 1856.

Tough luck he got assigned Judge Gruber.

Ho ho ho! Now I've got a subpoena!

Their behavior is really off the wall.

That's good, because neither do I. Maybe if we were having a discussion in real life I would, but who ever changed anyone's mind on the internet?

I would definitely not describe her as a conservative. She's no Socialist, but she is slightly left of center. But anyone to her left seems to think she's basically Ronald Reagan, and that's just not the case.

No, I realize it's not the same. But I do think a lot of the Hillary hate is based more on personal dislike than actual policy positions. Things that might be forgiven in someone else, or looked at as unimportant after the political winds have shifted a bit, are often considered to be horrible from her. That's mostly

They write a lot of books because they have their own publishing houses. It's way easier to get published if you write conservative propaganda. Just jot some insane ramblings, send it to Regnery and voila, you're a published author. Probably a best-selling one, too, since churches and stuff buy them by the case.

I forget, is she a cynical politician who never means anything she says, or is she a committed racist and homophobe who wants to oppress people?

Seriously, what's up with that? Who buys sunglasses from their friends' hacked Facebook pages? Or even clicks on the link? If it's a phishing scam, who determined that fake ads for cheap sunglasses was the best way to trick people?