Rollo Tomassi

What are you talking about? The guy who sold me these aviators swore up and down they were real designer sunglasses. He has a hookup inside the company and that's why they were only nine bucks.

Yeah, it's been like twelve hours and he hasn't been removed from office yet. Guess that means it was nothing.

I read somewhere that Trump's attitude towards his attorneys was always, "I have a problem. Make it go away. If you can't make it go away I'll find someone who can." Now that he's in a place where his problems don't disappear if you just file a bunch of countersuits and appeals and if necessary, offer a settlement, he

Do you want to start a pun thread just for the halibut?

It's amazing that these guys have been in big business for so long and somehow never learned to run things by their lawyers before going public with them.

As Louie CK has said, the best possible ending when it comes to love and romance is for you to meet someone you absolutely can't be without, they make you deliriously happy, and then one day one of you dies.

Yeah, but a little less wrong.

That makes sense. It's not really relevant to the story, I suppose. No need to clutter things up unnecessarily.

"Hey Rocky, watch me edit this using a sock puppet!"

It's important to promote small-scale agriculture, primarily for the reason of seed diversity, which you mention, but large-scale agriculture is even more important. We're not going to feed the world through little organic gardens. We're going to need high yields to keep everyone fed, and one way to get high yields is

Well, you have to fictionalize it pretty heavily. I'm sure there are movies about the James brothers where they're basically a family struggling through hard times who are driven to crime by circumstances beyond their control. But nothing really makes that anything more than a generic western/crime story, does it?

Good call. Cogburn isn't really supposed to be 100% sympathetic I guess, although he's no Ethan Edwards (another Confederate veteran), but clearly audiences of the time wouldn't have read serving with Quantrill as even remotely unsavory. It would just mean that he's brave, tough, and more committed to the cause than

I haven't seen it either, but I did see "The Return of Frank James" from 1940 just a few days ago. It was pretty well-made (directed by Fritz Lang) and Henry Fonda was awesome as usual, but it's Confederate sympathies really rubbed me the wrong way, and the one black character in it was a pretty patronizing

"What's that? You want to know about when I was recruiting people like Jesse James and William Quantrill to scalp anti-slavery settlers and burn down their farms? How about instead we talk about the time I was 'president for a day?' That shit was wacky!"

Can we at least season the locusts? I assume they'd pretty much taste like whatever you put on 'em.

Scott would have been a pretty good choice for president. Certainly a step above the nonentities and hacks that dominated the office for the twenty years or so before Lincoln's election. I respect the guy a lot, even though I don't know much about his politics. Here's a prominent Virginian general who remained loyal

You might have a valid argument about the futility of space programs but you're dead wrong about GMOs. In the future they will be absolutely essential to feeding the world, unless narrowminded fear-mongering manages to get them banned in the places where they're most needed.

Wow. Hard to believe that Pierce actually represents a best case scenario.

You mean the Olympics?

I don't think his edits are Godunov for Wikipedia.