Rollo Tomassi

It's not just the sulfur that makes vineyards look like Hell, but the little fires that are burning in them for part of the year.

Dildos are banned in Texas? Is that why they sent Ted to Washington?

What if you have nothing new to add, but would like to sound off anyway, preferably in an way that is unhelpful and exposes your ignorance and insecurities?

Even some of the street names have a really seedy vibe. "Between Turk and Eddy" sounds like a place where nothing good can possibly be going down.

I'd hardly call it grasping at straws. They were pretty good at some things, obviously, but in other areas, they let their ideology determine their beliefs about science and that went about as well as you'd expect.

The weasels are idiots. It's not that crazy to think that their sense of humor could be extremely unsophisiticated.

I only listen to my music on wax cylinders. If you want to come over later, I've got some Enrico Caruso stuff that'll blow your mind.

I'm not ruling his removal from office out, but it's only going to come after careful investigation turns up substantial evidence of wrongdoing. That's not going to happen in the next few weeks or months.

So keep a towel or washcloth next to the bed.

I hate it when you find porn somewhere and there's already Pornseed all over it.

They both are subject to the whims of a young blonde?

The Red Lady

You'll have to be more specific. This is the middle ages we're talking about.

Get with the times, Grandpa! Styles in gang rape are very fluid.

I can only assume that Ramsay took extra care to keep Theon's nub clean. Which really doesn't seem all that pleasant for Ramsay.

Which prostitute was named "Lemon Cakes?"

"It's an article for Supper Club."

I thought you were going to say "Much like my sex life, both have resulted in the death of some sheep."

I learned that if one has legs and knows how to use them one will never have to beg.

I've never believed that, but strangely enough everyone I've had it with thought so.