Rollo Tomassi

"What's a good way to get clicks on an article?"

True enough, but it's just not going to happen, so I don't see why it's even being seriously discussed by anyone. There's no way removal is possible until at least after the 2018 elections, and even then it's going to be hard.

Wow, either Lohan looks terrible or Harry looks great. Possibly a little of both.

Debbie Harry is 72.

One would assume that as lifespans increase so does general health. Look at pictures from 100 years ago, fifty year olds look like today's seventy year olds.

Sorry, you're right. To remove from office requires two thirds of the senate and to impeach requires a majority of the house.

But highly populated areas won't be disproportionately powerful. It'll be one person, one vote, and there will still be political capital in courting the rural and suburban vote. People count, not acreage.

Well, they could play to more varied regional concerns, instead of just what's important to Floridians or Pennsylvanians or whatever. And of course, the main reason it would be better has nothing to do with elections being conducted in a different way, or politicians campaigning in different places. It's just that

You mean it wasn't because of the weather?

Blind commitment to ideology regardless of the consequences or decades of evidence to the contrary? Intolerance of dissent? Branding entire regions or demographic groups traitors to the country? I guess the purges are the next step.

No, it would actually be *harder* than impeachment. Impeachment only requires a majority of the house, and none of the cabinet.

Except that exit polls, done by independent news outlets, agree with the official results. Republicans aren't stealing elections in any ways we don't already know all about.

Not only that, but if he fought it it would take two-thirds of the house and senate to remove him. Impeachment takes two-thirds from the senate but only a majority of the house. So impeachment is actually the easier route. I wish people would stop talking about the 25th amendment like it's going to save us. For it to

"The 2020 election will be…Rock Bottom."

Another fun fact: "Small Wonder" is another name for Dikachu's nose.

Oh, I don't think it would do anything to help with political polarization. But it would mean that politicians would be able to go where the votes are. The strategies would be completely different is all.

They're not a diversionary tactic. The man is pure id.

It really does distort everything, doesn't it? Can you imagine how different the entire campaign would be without it. Democrats could go to places like Oklahoma City in search of votes and Republicans could go to California's Inland Empire or upstate New York and the poor people of Ohio and Colorado and Florida could

Yeah, but a gross old man marrying a young hot woman is super common. I serve rich people for a living, so I barely even notice it anymore.

She was pretty much the queen of the Dothraki.