Rollo Tomassi

If you really want to discuss Soviet scientific failures, Lysenkoism would be a good topic.

I got a "Mighty Orbots" notification for this?

I thought that's who he sold his sold to in order to get where he is today.

He also subscribed to Heroin Aficionado.

The only reason they want the lists is so that they can flag every single duplicate name and claim that means there's thousands of people voting in multiple states. "Hey look, this 'Dave Johnson' guy is voting thousands of times. He has to be stopped! And look how many places 'Juan Garcia' is registered in! I bet he's

Yeah, most were selected *because* they were pro-Trump. It's not like the electors are a randomly selected group of people or the members of the party committee or something.

It's too bad Ozzy wasn't eligible.

Emmanuel Macron is over a year younger than me. I look at him and see a guy who went to high school with. Of course, any random guy I went to high school with would still probably be a president than Donald Trump, so I'm cool with Macron being basically in charge of the western world.

Famous historical quotes from Donald Trump:

Get your tiny hands off me you damn dirty Trump!

The Sea Sargasso?

Will Sebastian the Crab be there?

He would have kept it if they'd just let him rename it the Council on Broads and Little Minxes.

That's not the only thing he can't turn on.

"No, Mr. President. Your Florida estate isn't actually on Mars. The words are unrelated."

The space travel thing is pretty important, though. We'll have to escape this planet once it gets uninhabitable.

I would watch this.

"It's the '75 Steelers."
"Better let 'em in. They were 12-2."

Really surprised it too so long for the Breakfast at Tiffany's party to be mentioned. It seems like a lot of fun, as long as you're not the guy who's weeping about something or the woman who's caught on fire. I'd still have to say it's just barely edged out by the New Year's Eve party in Nick and Nora's hotel room in

Hey, so's mine. And it's a common word that everyone has the proper spelling of drilled into them in elementary school. So of course people misspell it 75% of the time.