Rollo Tomassi

And refusing to pay when they lose a bet.

We should have just made them speak English after we took over their country. We let 'em keep the emperor, so it's not like we were taking every single thing away from them. They just would have had to call him Dave instead of Hirohito.


This is from a website that's aimed at just Martin Shkreli, right?

Now that they've been pulled, you can probably find someone willing to pay ten times that for them.

No, I mean the person who lost the tooth could have been a guy. Oh, never mind.

Who said it was a she? Let's just say you better do a safety check before you go down there.

I wonder if his band members every say to themselves, "Is this really where my career ends? Being window-dressing in a washed-up child star's band? I'm attractive, I can sing and I can play an instrument. If I can't make it in Hollywood with all that, then who can? Maybe I should just go back to Saskatoon, marry Greg

And also at the big Klan comic convention that's held on Halloween: Kreepy Komic Kon.

Of course, the right's way around this is to deny gun rights to felons, and then use the justice system to make sure that as many black people as possible are felons.

California banned open-carry when the Black Panthers marched on Sacramento. That's when Reagan was governor. Wonder why nobody was fighting for the second amendment at the time?

"The 2020 campaign has been a real drag."

"Fortunately, we've managed to draw our electoral districts in such a way that the Capulets manage to get a supermajority while receiving only 46% of the votes. The Montagues are lucky if they can get someone elected dog-catcher!"

A friend of mine on a Facebook post about this article pointed out how quickly the NRA went from, "Buy Guns!!! In case you need to rebel against our crazy government." to "Buy Guns!!! Because there's crazy people that want to rebel against our government."

Loves kids to have guns, you mean.

Ah. I remember another one where he's probably playing the same character that's set in an airport. I think the basic premise has something to do with shitty airport security. Or maybe it is the sketch you're talking about and I'm just misremembering it.

"Wait until I tell you guys about the next Pixar movie! I get the best intelligence!"

Trump has also been having problems with the unrelated magazine Vise. They've been squeezing him pretty hard.

Is that the one where he's a drug smuggler trying to get on a plane? The bear is full of cocaine, right?

"Identity politics" is bullshit. It's just a cudgel people who don't give a shit about civil rights use against those of us that do.