Rollo Tomassi

Much as I hate Reagan, I doubt that he made a secret deal with Iran to hold the hostages for longer. If he had they most likely would have been released shortly after the election, instead of on inauguration day. It seems likely that the timing was in intentional dig at Carter from the Iranians.

That book is hilarious.

Yeah, but most of those terrorists were white, so that's way less scary.

I wonder how he's going to do that. The others had major figures (Goldwater, Nixon and Reagan) to be anchored around. I suppose this one could be focused on Reagan again, but it would have to leave out most of the stuff that The Invisible Bridge already covered.

I just finished that book. Also recently read Perlstein's Goldwater one. Both were great, but also extremely disheartening. Although the Goldwater one made me feel optimistic about the possibility of building a grassroots liberal movement with the same influence as his grassroots conservative one.

What exactly do you mean by "playing identity politics?" Supporting civil rights? Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

I don't think that's going to happen, but as long as the economy stays good and we don't end up in any major wars there's a chance he'll be fairly well-regarded historically. I doubt his incompetence, insanity and contempt for democratic norms will be completely forgotten, but it might be treated as unimportant.

That's an excellent point. He, like many of his supporters, probably thinks that the media are terrible, horrible people because they were a bunch of nerds in school and they're bitter about it. So his first impression of these Irish reporters is, "They look cool and attractive, I bet they're really nice to their

I'd avoid too many big words arguing with this guy.

You think none of the millions of people who enthusiastically voted for both of them see any similarities?

Maybe. But it's not as certain as the conventional wisdom would have us believe. Anyway, Kennedy won the popular vote, and shouldn't that be what really matters?…

Not to sound too much like the type of liberal that you hate, but "Screaming Banshee" is a pretty misogynistic insult.

Eh, for all we know "Current Year Man" is an insult that large swathes of the right have been using towards John Oliver or Trevor Noah or somebody for months. It doesn't make sense, but neither does using a cartoon frog as a racist mascot, calling Democrats "Pajama Boy" or Donald Trump being president of the United

You tell 'em buddy. There's no bigger failure than someone who's hosting their own TV show. That's pretty much the last step before giving out hand jobs at truck stops.

And yet Clinton couldn't win with that exact platform.

I'd subscribe to that website for a dollar!

Wow. I see a Sarah Palin version of "Single White Female" playing out soon.

Well, it's been a few weeks since the article came out. She's had a pretty decent amount of time to skim it.

That's the biggest difference between her and me: I only like money.

I'd take Kate Winslet as president. If it doesn't work out we can all have our memories of her term erased.