Rollo Tomassi

"And the moral of that movie is…DON'T lie!"

It's true; the average Republican politician is about a half-step above the average Breitbart commenter.

Well, he already lives in Austin, so it'd be convenient for him.

Yeah, but you'll never hear an elected official or party spokesman say "Repugnican." Pretty much every high-profile Republican refuses to say "Democratic."

Yeah, but that's because a huge chunk of Trump supporters just assume that black people are always lying.

I sometimes think find the idea that Stevie Wonder can see to be amusing, and sometimes not. I guess you could call me a part-time lover of that conspiracy theory.

At this point, Trump could personally order all the coal mines shut down, and a majority of the miners would be like, "He's doing this because he's got a brilliant plan to give us even better jobs soon!"

Well, Clinton is a lawyer, so when he tried to talk his way around something with technicalities, he actually knew what he was doing. Trump is just a moron who thinks he's the greatest genius who ever lived.

He's the type of guy who lies on the stand in answering a question he wasn't even asked. That has nothing to do with the matter at hand.

"Five members? Well, it can't be the Beatles, because they were, rather famously, a four-piece."

Oh, right. Forgot the actual title was "What's Up?"

I was recently desperately insisting to my girlfriend that Sean Penn's brother/Aimee Mann's husband had a big hit song and she absolutely *must* have heard it before, but I'm honestly not sure she believed me.

Psychotic Reaction is one of the best things ever.

I like Groove is in the Heart, but I consider playing What's Goin' On a war crime.

Pretty much the same thing. Although Super Hans may be a little more into crack than Keith.

Shot dead by a *eunuch* soldier while hiding in a barn.

It was somewhat progressive economically, is what I meant.

That's an abomination!

As far as I can tell, it's just based on one stupid ad for Obamacare that featured a goofy looking young guy in pajamas.

Maybe they're in such a hurry to get it passed because they want to maximize the number of poor people who die before the next election. It's a new frontier in voter suppression.