Rollo Tomassi

It's actually a myth that there are workers entombed in the Hoover Dam. It would threaten the structural integrity.

Probably mostly thanks to Robert Byrd's ability to funnel pork-barrel spending to his state. Which, considering the poverty of the area, was probably mostly a good thing, actually.

When it was written, West Virginia was way more Democratic, liberal and pro-union than Maryland. It wasn't until the mid-seventies, when a huge part of the state flipped out over supposedly "godless" textbooks that WV began its transformation into a Conservative state. They basically provided the blueprint for

They also spent a lot of time calling Ossoff a "Pajama Boy," which is the new Republican way to imply homosexuality (or at least effeminacy) while also attacking hipsters and millennials. They're old people with the mentality of middle-school bullies.

Sounds like this is going to be a poorly written, cheaply made, cynical cash grab. They should call it "Hacksaw,"

Lots of guys named Jesus are tequila drinkers.

"Bigger and different looking"

My dad once told me, "I tip 10%, if at all," and I totally freaked out on him. I told him to please never pay with a credit or debit card, on account of we have the same first and last name, and I don't want any pubes in my food.

I fucking hate ranch. I work at a hotel with a Michelin-starred restaurant, and people still expect that we'll have sides of ranch for them. Fuck you, asshole. This isn't TGI Friday's.

His mother, Martha P. Venom.

If he has been there he didn't Say Anything.

The last time I went to Denny's I was really pleasantly surprised at the quality of what I could get for less than ten dollars.

The best thing to do if you're feeling "fast casual?" Hire a sex worker.

I once read the Yelp reviews for the hotel I work at. The most negative one ended with, "My visit was in 1993."

If not, their whole generation is lazy and useless, obviously.

Don't worry. I'm sure they'll go into his origin in great detail, eating up two thirds of the first movie.

That's why we don't provide them with health insurance. Or pay.

It got just about every detail right while still missing the point. I actually like it a lot more than most people here, but it tends to glorify a lot of things that the comic is clearly deploring.

Let's not act like this is an unreasonable position to take.

To piss off Alan Moore.