Rollo Tomassi

I found that every year I had one teacher who was both an asshole and an ineffective teacher. Usually there'd be at least one who was an ineffective teacher but not an asshole. That class would be pretty enjoyable.

Baseball has been over for months, unfortunately.

What about bringing them with you on a global circumnavigation?

Hard to say. The realities of global-I mean international trade and immigration would be very different, thus changing his signature issues in unpredictable ways.

I think that in this day and age grabbing 'em in the biscuits is frowned upon.

It feels like basketball never ends, what with the solid two months or whatever of playoffs and football never ends since everyone is constantly talking about it year-round. Baseball, on the other hand, the one sport I actually like, has a definite beginning and ending point every single year. And my attention

That's it. I really liked it, actually, but haven't read it in years and so figured that it probably doesn't hold up, but if you say it does that's awesome. I let a co-worker borrow it and then he got fired a few days later and I never saw him or the book again.

Sounds like my day, but with grooming.

Fair enough. I figure there must also be a significant number of people here who read Savage Love and decided to hire a sex worker.

If they could, they'd spend all their free time watching videos of us doing stupid shit.

And by "moles," Penelope means "double agents." The cat was an FSB agent.

I refuse to believe that anyone on this page has ever had an opportunity to get VD.

Presumably because, like all cats, she's Lawless.

I used to have an allegedly humorous book that was full of sort of cynical statements in the form of daily affirmations. There was a whole chapter on pets, which included the gem, "If you have a cat, you probably have a box of shit in your house."

If not for the fact that you spell neighbor with a u and call a yard a garden, I'd assume you live next door to me.

Is Sean Spicer Butters?

I think that even in the countries where dog meat is consumed it's eaten rarely, much more rarely than horse is in places where that's a thing.

Definitely. Sometime in the nineties California voted to ban horse meat. If you look at a map of the election results, you'll see that the measure passed in every urban and most suburban counties and failed in every rural one.

Brady had a pretty solid reason for taking a break.

Well, Ford's resigned in protest after about three weeks. Has there been another besides him with a shorter tenure than Spicer?