Rollo Tomassi

Southwest is notoriously stingy with their lifeboats.

Man, it sure is hard to decide which side to take here.

I…do not.

It can be neither of two things.

Oh, I got that one too. And "Wowie Zowie." You can go ahead and keep "Terror Twilight."

Or vice-versa, I suppose.

These are Good Times to make that reference.

Avoiding supposedly universal pop culture is actually pretty easy as long as you don't listen to the radio or watch TV. I only found out that Beyonce and Jay-Z were married a couple of years ago, and sometimes I forget whether her husband is him or 50 Cent.

He's certainly a better leader than the guy who *did* sign the Magna Carta.

He's got 99 senators who are not completely sold on his agenda, but Mitch ain't one.

I really loathe NASCAR. There's a major race track in my town, and of course I have no idea when the big race weekends are, so I always seem to get stuck in nightmare traffic without expecting it.

Maybe I did and maybe I didn't. Are you also missing "Blood on the Tracks," "Dusty in Memphis" and "Slanted and Enchanted?"

'Cause they're all inbred hicks who are racist and vote for Republicans! Wait, what's that? The average Trump voter makes over 60,000 a year? Fine, it's because NASCAR is stupid.

Just ask Walt Whitman!

Classism and fat-shaming. Well-played.

It's probably the only album of the last fifteen years to really excite me. Not because there's no good music being made any more or anything like that, but because I'm forty, and for some reason just lost almost all desire to engage with anything new.

Exile in Guyville is a better album than Exile on Main Street.

You shouldn't waste a whole Day in the Life worrying about it.

You need Help.

The Kennedy Half Dollar (1964)