Rollo Tomassi

I'm not a big fan of Within You Without You, but I have such a soft spot for George that I cut it some slack.

It's by John, isn't it?

I actually really like "Mr. Kite," but I understand what makes it lame.

Are we talking best album of all time, or just of 1967? Because if it's the former, I'd like to suggest "My Aim is True," "London Calling," and "Doolittle," with honorable mentions for "Back to Black," (Not "Back *in* Black") "Daydream Nation," and a little thing called "Double Nickels on the Dime."

I just can't get into Love. I can appreciate that they're very good, but something just hasn't clicked.

Pet Sounds is better than Sgt. Pepper's and about equally as good as Revolver.

I always figured that criminals Batman busts rarely get convicted, especially the low-level types where there's no witnesses. But just the fact that they just got their ass handed to them by what they perceive a an unstoppable, possibly supernatural spirit of vengeance, sets many on the straight and narrow.

Unless you count the sewer dwelling crocodile people.

"Also, his daughter never once visited him in prison."

I recently got my cholesterol and blood sugar tested at work (for the insurance discount) and I was shocked to find out how healthy I actually am. I'm a pretty good bit overweight, but all my levels are normal, except the good cholesterol, which is a little low. Meanwhile, my best friend, who is about the same weight

I remember when I was about ten there was a commercial for Kool-Aid where they talk about how it has way less sugar than soda. Having made a lot of Kool-Aid at that age, I was completely blown away. How could anything have more sugar than that? How is there room?

I stopped drinking soda for six months or so, dropped about 15 pounds, then gradually started drinking it again. I still don't drink as much of it as I did before, but I now weigh more than I did in the first place. I intend to cut it out of my diet again, but cola is just so damn delicious.

What an amazing coincidence! I weighed 8 lbs 40 years ago!

I think America's new motto under Trump ought to be "Pure Misogyny." But maybe in Latin.

Eh, knowing him, he might actually go nuts with offense. He'll come up with an insulting nickname for Glazer that sounds like it might be vaguely anti-Semitic, but not to the point where it's definite.

OK, how about "Imprisoned Former President Trump?"

Well, it's extra-terrible. I mean, it's even bad for Smashmouth.

Only one of those is Smashmouth.

Semi-Charmed Life, Smooth, All-Star, many others.

It's not a lawsuit. It's a criminal trial.