Rollo Tomassi

Not even close. But it is pretty dumb.

I must protest.

No, but there have probably been literally hundreds of groupies who've gone by the name "___ Golightly."

I think it's mostly prints of Indians turning into wolves and stuff.

"I fought the EPA, and the EPA won!"

I wonder if that's where my dad got me that horribly tacky picture of Elvis, James Dean, Humphrey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe playing cards in a bar. I'd check and see if there's a tag or something on it somewhere, but it went directly from my car to the trash, so I guess we'll never know.

As Redundant as They Want to Be

I got a Luke Skywalker notification.

I'm not saying that particular grooming choice is somehow essential, I'm just mocking the idea that it, or any other beauty standard, couldn't possibly exist if there were not men.

Are you implying that if there were no men around women just wouldn't groom themselves at all? Like literally every choice they make about their appearance is dictated by men?

I suppose you can find an 11-year old charismatic or her performance engaging, but "alluring" is not really the appropriate word to use in that context.

Has anyone ever actually said that, though? OK, probably, but that person would be a moron, and pretty much nobody would take them seriously.

Wouldn't "its own merits" include whether or not the movie projects some sort of bias? I mean, I can judge "Birth of a Nation" on its merits, and one of the things I'm holding against it is that it's incredibly racist.

What about when you smoke twenty pieces of bacon a day?

Thanks for chipping in.

Trumps already working on one that says, "No Muslims, No Mexicans, No Fat Chicks."

I'm sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.

Everyone always forgets the damn vicuñas.

Those people are idiots. And they are legion.

I agree with every word of this statement, but I'm pretty sure that Betty sees things a little differently than me.