Rollo Tomassi

All men must die!

They just cut and pasted from the Roger Ailes obit.

I like olives, but I don't think they should ever be warm. That means they can't be on pizza.

Fuck that. You want your pineapple chunks so bad, order them on the side and then add them to your slices. No need to drip their unholy juice on the normal people's food.

Hey, you'd be surprised by how many of them picture themselves as the slave.

It's mostly people looking to fulfill their "masters banging slaves" fantasies.

Exactly. I don't think Avery got a fair trial, and the police were clearly very committed to the idea that he was guilty from day one, but I'd say that a preponderance of the evidence indicates his guilt. Dassey, on the other hand, is clearly an open and shut case of a coerced confession.

I suppose that 75 years ago, the dividing line between "old" and "new" movies was super easy. Silents are old, talkies are new.

I see what you're saying. Reddit is Soylent Green.

I've often thought that about almost any totalitarian state. Once Hitler/Stalin/whoever managed to completely accomplish their goals, the world would have been a way better place. For those who were still left. As long as they never dissented in any way.

And George W. Bush could have been a very good Major League Baseball Commissioner.

He was born in 2000, and this was probably when he was about ten or twelve. I was born in '76, and I think that when I was a kid my definition of an old movie was something from the black and white era. It was a convenient dividing line that happened to be about ten to fifteen years before I was born.

When I was trying to get my girlfriend's son to watch the Christopher Reeve Superman, he asked me if it was an old movie. I asked him what he meant by an old movie, and he said, "Before 2000."

If I were that sex worker, the last thing I'd say to the guy would be, "And now I'm going to go home to have sex with my wife!"

You say there's nothing wrong with it, but you'll be singing a different tune when your grandparents get you a bunch of DVDs for your next birthday.

I liked that one a lot, and its sequel (Superfudge). The weird thing is, I'm an only child, so it clearly wasn't meant for me. The second one is primarily about divorce, and my parents didn't split up until I was 25, so again, why the hell did I relate to this book so much?

I delivered room service to Judy Blume about fifteen years ago. She was very friendly, but honestly came off like something of a dingbat. Of course, we're talking about a two minute interaction early in the morning while she was on vacation. I really doubt she's always like that.

I've never actually read it (probably because it was pretty clearly a "girls' book," way more than the Ramona books or anything else in that genre) but the "Dell Yearling book" there is pretty much what everything I remember from that age looked like.

On Donald Trump, then?

Then the old Gypsy woman was right!