Rollo Tomassi

If it's good enough for Milosevic and Pinochet, it's good enough for Cliff Huxtable.

Just until I wake up from this ridiculous dream I'm having. The one where Donald Trump decided to run for president and, get this, actually won. Also, I'm not wearing pants.

How is eating dogs worse than eating any other animal? I wouldn't eat dog, but I recognize that that's an illogical position when you consider that I'll eat pigs and cows and whatnot.


Damn it, this doll has no amygdala.

Ah yes, all those liberals who are always defending the human rights records of countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

"The president shouldn't obstruct justice by firing someone who is investigating him," isn't so much a liberal talking point as a statement of fact. You can be upset at Comey for handing Trump the election without thinking he should have been fired. Hell, if Clinton had won she would never have fired him; she's smart

I remember that, and it's way funnier now that I know who Jimmy Hoffa was.

Ah, the old "Movies are just entertainment, and you shouldn't try and read anything into or expect anything from them" argument. An oldie but a goodie.

Yeah, I rewatched it recently, and it's…not good. There's a handful of amazing scenes/moments, but it's just so ridiculous and over the top, I can't believe it was so well regarded at the time. I put it on one night thinking it was gonna be a fun way to pass the evening, and ended up apologizing to my girlfriend for

The best way to stop a bad dog with a gun is a good dog with a gun. A very good dog, yes he is.

Well, it's gross.

What's the appeal of the stepmom thing? Why does so much porn flirt with incest? I find it really off-putting.

I remember years ago, I was watching some second-rate comedian on MTV make jokes about how Australians were surprisingly redneckish. He referred to it as "Texas with a coast." Even at thirteen or whatever age I was, I still was like, "Wait a minute; Texas *has* a coast."

So what's their version of Texas? Western Australia? Wherever Pauline Hansen is from?

Yeah, this one in particular is definitely geared towards the rich, but there are plenty that are ripping off the poor. Magnet therapy comes to mind.

Sadly, not all pseudoscientific remedies are bought exclusively by rich people.

That pronunciation is actually not that far from how the Lebanese pronounce the name of the country. It's "Lubnan."

My grandfather lives in Prague, OK.

He only knows "Hall of the Mountain King." Is that something to be worried about?