Rollo Tomassi

Are you implying that none of the outrageous flamers are horrible and/or misogynistic? Because I've met a few that belie that assertion.

I'll volunteer to be one of the breeding studs. Just don't let anyone know that I've had a vasectomy.

Well, you couldn't do any better than Thelma Schoonmaker. Or Marcia Lucas.

Yeah, but once that happens, I'll be on a ton of prescription drugs whose abuse I can rationalize.

Same for me. I can't really remember a time that I wasn't aware of Star Wars. Although it's highly likely that I actually became aware of it around the time that Empire came out, when I was four. One of the first movies I clearly remember seeing in the theater is Jedi. I'd already had the whole thing spoiled for me by

I've never done drugs or drank, and I definitely get tired of some of the questions I get. Obviously, I don't get "Do you miss it?" but the others you mention come quite a bit. I also occasionally get people who think that I think I'm better than them, in a way, which is an attitude I assume recovering addicts don't

Too bad. Angry white dudes will never learn self-control unless there are consequences.

Hey, hating on college students for things that have no bearing at all on your own life has been hip for fifty years, and isn't likely to go out of style any time soon.

I had a friend whose dad was very good friends with Wavy Gravy. Throughout his childhood and adolescence he pretty much hated it when Wavy Gravy would come over. Found him to be extremely annoying and not terribly bright.

Things change over time. There was never a Catholic president until Kennedy. There was never a divorced president until Reagan. There was never a black president until Obama. There was never a petulant child president until Trump.

Yeah, let's exclusively nominate people born in the 40's from now on.

I think we saw the answer to that last November.

Maybe Montana will have another special election in a few months when Gianforte goes to jail for assault.

At the same time?

Doesn't it literally mean "cabbage hammer?"

OK, wouldn't be willing to go *very far* from Times Square.

"And what the hell did they use for hair on this thing?"

Just a niece. Her name is Patsy.

The jokes on them, though. They own a United States president, but it's literally the worst one.

Is it in Times' Square? I think most of them would be willing to go to New York, but not to leave Times' Square. They'd spend most of their vacation standing outside of the "Today Show" holding signs.