Rollo Tomassi

I would be sympathetic to the "government shouldn't be defining marriage at all" argument if I'd ever once heard anyone say it before gay marriage became an issue. But the fact that they didn't proves their motivation is bigotry, not principle.

I'm sorry the homosexuals have been letting you down, Buzz.

Lord knows the Trumps are.

They should call it, "What a bunch of clowns," of course.

True, but what they did was pretty standard for the time. The Nazis were evil in entirely new ways.

I would lay the blame for that less on Obama and more on Democrats in the house and senate. Without guys like Bill Nelson, Obama wouldn't have had the numbers for anything more progressive than what he got.

Well then you know what you have to do. Go out there and get everyone you possibly can to turn out for Ossoff.

Call my representative? My representative is a liberal Democrat. My Senators are liberal Democrats. My state senator is a liberal Democrat. My state rep is a liberal Democrat. My county supervisors are liberal Democrats. My governor is a liberal Democrat. The nearest Republican in elected office is probably 100 miles

Well, it wouldn't have been eligible for the best foreign-language film Oscar.

Never heard of him before, but a little Googling tells me that he was pretty terrible.

I was actually hoping he'd crop up here.

I can think of one guy who's not. This article is about him.

He's the one that's better than Abbott but worse than most of the rest, right?

He usually knows the difference between Austria and Australia, but he was confused because he figured the prime minister had to be either Paul Hogan or Yahoo Serious.

It's weird because many of the people who believe that healthcare should be provided entirely on that basis of whether or not you can pay would be financially destroyed by a major illness or accident. But the principle is just too important to them for that to matter, I suppose.

Weesa people gonna lose-a coverage?

They're singlehandedly ruining the reputation of small-town Wisconsin law enforcement.

"We can handle this without calling the police!"
"No we can't. Hokey conflict resolution attempts by ancient teachers are no match for a blaster at your side."

Doesn't that depend on the color of the kid?

That's no moon!