Rollo Tomassi

Speak for yourself.

It depends on whether you're quince or mas de diez y ocho.

I thought their playing was a little stiff.

I'm withholding judgement until I hear what Black Bolt has to say.

Oh, we did.

I don't understand that and I'm not going to respond to it.

My town has a very cute central square. Big tourist attraction. A few movies have made use of it, but I can't actually think of any good ones.

That's why in most elections their influence is margarinal.

It's doing OK, but not like a few years ago. Most of the locations are still there actually, but not the downtown business district. The family's house gets people knocking on their door asking to check it out on a pretty regular basis, I think.

The Wrong Man is awesome. Apparently, the filmed the jail scene at an actual jail and when they brought Fonda through, one of the inmates yelled, "What'd they get you for, Henry?" You can hear it if you listen closely.

I enjoyed watching it because it was filmed in the town up the road from me (and because it's really good, obviously). It's interesting to see what the place looked like before they literally knocked down most of the downtown area to build a mall.

Grudgingly upvoted for the Taxi Driver quote.

So was Jimmy Carter, and Reagan crushed him with the so-called Christians.

Few people are aware of how many buttery males live in the Upper Midwest.

His father would have been a camp guard, probably. Followed by a successful career in Bavarian real estate.

A couple of weeks ago it took like two days for John Oliver to appear on HBO through Amazon. I was PISSED.

Since the Comedy Central shows got removed from Hulu, the only way to watch them is on the Comedy Central website. For the first few weeks, there were no ads, and it was a huge improvement over Hulu, but starting a week or two ago there are ads, sometimes several in a row, between each segment. Which would be fine,

They did, and then one day it was just gone. Now I watch a lot less Hulu. After I get around to watching Handmaid's Tale, I just may cancel it.

But I don't want any fucking sports. I'm not one of those "Sportsball is stupid," people, but honestly, I can live without any sports on my TV. Where is the extremely inexpensive cable package for me?

There's definitely some debate about what exactly the president can be sued or prosecuted for, but one thing that is certain is that he can be sued, in federal court at least, for non-official acts. So pretty much anything he did before he was president is fair game, I suppose. As far as criminal prosecution, there