Rollo Tomassi

I have that problem even if there's nothing on the TV.

Was there also a "Jessica Hawg?"

There's a real "one on the way up meets one on the way down" sort of situation.

But they got a free frogurt.

By the way, when someone does finally tell Trump about FDR, he won't believe it. "A cripple elected president? That a hilarious idea! That'd never happen!"

But if he cares about his brand so much, why does he endorse so many shitty products?

"One thing I'll say for the Trump administration. They were never competent enough to get the camps up and running."

Does he think the president is immune from prosecution? Did he read an article about Pinochet and miss what country it was referring to?

Because even though he doesn't really want to be president, he needs the validation of being elected to two terms. He wants to know that nobody has been president for longer than him. (And no, he hasn't found out about FDR yet.)

Wait a minute… England isn't sunny! FAKE NEWS!

That's the part that got me, too. When has Trump ever delivered a positive message?

I wouldn't be surprised if 2016 was the first time Trump voted in his life.

Normally, you'd have a valid point, but since anyone involved with the Trump campaign or administration will do literally anything for money, you would probably actually not get turned down.

Coincidentally, "Hop on Pop" was the name of Trump's favorite game to play with a young Ivanka.

It's like Memento or Fifty First Dates. For Glengarry Glen Rachel, every day is November 8, 2016.

I think Charlie Chan could be a great movie. I don't think the name sounds off. Fu Manchu is a thousand times worse.

"Fu Manchu is a smart cookie."

To play devil's advocate for a minute, there is something to be said for getting a person interested in the things you are interested in, and that can often be one of the more enjoyable parts of a romantic relationship. Of course, this trope takes it way past, "I can't believe you never saw 'Casablanca' before; you're

Well, I didn't think you were thinking of a whale's dick, honey!

Let's hope so.