Rollo Tomassi

The difference being that the Daily Show is pretty clear about differentiating between stuff that's real and stuff they made up because it's funny. People shouldn't consider it a news source, but at least it's not trying to mislead.

Yeah, those are mostly pretty credible news sources, regardless of who owns them. Except for Facebook, which isn't actually a news source.

It took decades of civil war before most Mozambicans realized they weren't going to receive a FRELIMO from the government.

The second I heard that, all I could think was, "What an asshole." Nothing about its legality, morality or usefulness. Just, "What an asshole."

Yeah, but we'd like to maintain our dignity.

According to sources that *are* credible.

I heard that one committed a crime once, and it didn't make literally every newspaper or program in the world! Clearly that's due to a liberal conspiracy!

It's not our fault that conservative-leaning sources mostly aren't credible.

Yeah, Germany in 2017 is real well-known for its unfree press.

I got an email from United Airlines today promising to do better. It literally said that they won't be using law-enforcement to remove people from flights anymore unless there's a safety issue. Such kindness.

We can't all be as original and independent thinkers as you, Buzz.

Sounds like the beginning of Nudeador's magnum opus.

Dr. Strange gave me mange.

Che was a doctor. Also a brutal executioner, but the Hippocratic oath makes an exception for that, I'm sure. I mean, if you're bringing about a workers' paradise.

Without getting thrown out? Unlikely.

I usually wait for the touring version. That way it only costs me a few obols, unless the wife wants to get some dolmas or something.

Sounds like Alfred is aging out of the role.

Certainly not in Nutbush.

I realize you're not serious, but this would probably work about as well as the partition of India and Pakistan.

What are the contents of Jeff Sessions' wallet?