Rollo Tomassi

You mean 20 Reichsmarks.

And no doubt they were getting similar calls from the campaign organizations in Virginia and Colorado and Nevada.

He's also better at basketball than Wilt. Plus he can hold his breath for like ten minutes.

I'll give him a pat on the back with a sledge hammer.

I agree with you that her campaign fucked up in many ways, and not paying enough attention to the Upper Midwest is definitely one of those, but I also think that a lot of people are acting as though the things that she could have done better were just as obvious during the campaign as they were afterwards, which is a

Yeah, when Baio opens his mouth, I just hear "Blah, blah, blah."

I can see Trump not realizing that he's a public figure and suing a movie producer for portraying him in an unflattering way.

Some chancellors run universities!

-Nikita Khrushchev

I actually also think that things are going to OK in the long run. But there are a lot of people who will get hurt pretty bad in the meantime.

Fundraisers might actually be the most important part of campaigning.

You might be right about how in the long run a Trump presidency is good for the world by virtue of the reaction it provokes, but so many bad things will happen in the meantime that I'm not at all sure it's 100% worth it.

Yeah, instead of visiting the swing states that she won, she should have visited the swing states that she lost. Also, she should have somehow known in advance which would be which. Scrying, perhaps.

He's no Saint, that's for sure.

Maybe at the time that was considered a positive sign. We often forget how much smarter each generation is than the ones before it.

I had a history teacher who had been doing his job on autopilot for decades and would occasionally get dates and things wrong. He was not amused by being corrected. Since he was an extraordinarily lazy teacher, pretty much the entire grade was based on multiple choice tests, so there was really no way that his dislike

And it actually found the bullet, too!

Classic Dustin.

I think it'd be pretty hard to confuse damage from a pistol with damage from a rifle, but I'm no expert.

Seriously? Other than questions about how much Mary Surrat knew and whether Dr. Mudd was aware of what Booth had done when he set his leg, there's pretty much nothing we don't know about it. Stanton working with a group of Confederate sympathizers? That's fucking idiotic.