Rollo Tomassi

It's OK; your mistake was predestined.

"Who wants to hold my clipboard?"

I'm so tired of this Hollywood deadfacing.

Yeah, but Afrikaners have historically identified as members of the the Dutch Reformed Church and its splinter groups.

How about more like Cosmos and just as many like OJ: Made in America?

It's hard to track though, since he doesn't trust banks.

There hasn't been a major Hollywood movie with a dead lead since "Weekend at Bernie's."

Because awards (ideally) are going to things that capture the current zeitgeist in a way. And right now racism and inequality are in the cultural discussion. This is not a bad thing.

Science is important, but so is racism. Addressing one isn't slighting the other.

I was just disappointed that it didn't actually tell me where all the white women at.

No, suburban Atlanta is White Flight.

Is it 'cause they're dead?

There are still a ton of documentaries being made about quirky artists, abrasive chefs and dysfunctional families. White people aren't going anywhere.

"How the Other Half Leans Forward Suggestively"

Yeah, I'm totally into her because of her sense of humor.

Don't bother; I'd hate for that onion to fall off of your belt.

Yeah, it's pretty low on my list of reasons to hate Mel Gibson.

I thought it was pretty good, although a great deal of that might have to do with it being just inherently interesting that one guy was able to save all those soldiers. There were certainly some mawkish, cliched moments, and, especially when it came to the love story, I found the guy to be a bit of a creepy weirdo and

You must hang out with really old people.

Damn it. I liked my theory better.