Rollo Tomassi

Good point. I hadn't considered the fact that they're all evil, evil Calvinists trying to destroy the one true religion.

Are you kidding? Those things are solid as a rock!

I'll admit that I've broken some shit when I'm really angry. However, I don't think anyone else was ever present for it. I do it because I'm a child having a tantrum, not because I want to intimidate someone into giving me what I want.

I'm surprised he was OK with the Afrikaner being the bad guy in that.

I actually really liked it. I also was greatly amused by the fact that not until the end credits do you see Gibson's name. I guess he's not toxic enough to get his projects rejected anymore, but they'd still rather not emphasize his involvement too much.

"You know how these Spanish are!"

I don't think anyone named Trey is Jewish. Or Treyf.

Come to think of it, our hoard of acorns did mysteriously disappear a few weeks later.

Birds and squirrels are my nemeses as well. All assholes. Except for the squirrel that my girlfriend's cat made friends with one time. He actually let us pick him up and bring him into the house and everything. He spent a whole day snuggling and frolicking with the cat. Then we never saw him again. I assume the cat

There used to be a commenter here called Phineas Gage. I think it was mentioned in an article once, but I guess that predated Wikipedia Wormhole.

If only someone had told me that when I was younger.

Oh, please. All of your country's aggression is used up on geese and hockey players, with none left over for the rest of the population.

They still are.

Here in Northern California, I don't think I've ever even seen them on the ground. So they aren't too dangerous.

That and the kookaburra, which apparently lives in every jungle anywhere in the world. And on Endor.

Brilliant riposte.

And his mustache!

I've had it up to here with these hooligans and their creme de menthe based drinks!

When I saw the headline I assumed that the stadium was now selling cocktails, and they've proven to be popular.

Or maybe he believes most of the dumb shit he says, but not the one thing he happened to be discussing with Olbermann.