Rollo Tomassi

Wow. I'm surprised by that. Hannity always just seemed legitimately stupid to me.

I'm waiting for the Swedish version, "A star is Bjorn."

No wonder nobody wanted to help me move! I thought they just hated the ASPCA.

Yeah, Janet Gaynor has a much more limited gay following.

There are relatively few people I'd like to come near me.

Because his lies are harmful? Because he's a demagogue who brings out the worst in people? Because he makes money off of people's gullibility? Because he incites violence? Because almost everything he says is not only untrue, but damaging to our society and democracy? Because he's an asshole?

Someday, hopefully soon, Alex Jones will also be good for plants and soil.

Would they be the counterfeit five dollar bills from that one Scooby Doo episode? With Lincoln wearing a turtleneck?

Damn it, yours is much better than mine.

Infowars! Hunh! What are they infogood for?

I don't know. I think Hannity believes what he says, and O'Reilly believes most of what he says. I'm pretty sure Ann Coulter just says shit that's calculated to get the biggest reaction, though.

Then get to work!

Just barely.

You certainly wouldn't expect him to last very long.

I've seen a lot of people on Facebook who clearly don't know the difference between Fox News and a Fox affiliate. They'll post some typical bullshit local news footage, of the type that could come from anyone and then say, "What do you expect from Fox News?" and I'm just like, "How can you not tell the difference in

It could certainly cause something to flop.

They don't have a problem with rich white Americans. However, rich white Americans will occasionally be the victims of their sensationalism nonetheless.

Two things I never get props for in real life…

Eh, she's still foreign.

He probably figured that he knew the prosecutor. He assumes that anyone who isn't a white American knows everyone else in their ethnic/national group. He already asked a black reporter to set up a meeting with the congressional black caucus.