Rollo Tomassi

He does give off a bit of a fascist vibe.

I'm actually mostly white. I have an English name, I don't speak Spanish very well, and my Mexican family has been in the US since the turn of the 20th century. But when the Latinos finally take over, I'm happy to swing on over to their camp.

Hmmm…since their CEO has a "build a wall" name, I'm going to go with the second one.

Oh, OK. No harm, no foul then.

I think "executed by partisans" will now be the phrase I use when discussing an actor who seems to no longer be getting the sort of parts they used to. Barbara Hershey? Oh, she was executed by partisans around the early nineties.

I thought they were a pretty lousy band that managed to produce the occasional cool-sounding guitar riff. Which isn't nothing, I suppose.

I think he's actually a homeopathic doctor. The can is just full of water.

I prefer Science of Constitutional Monarchy.

Must have been a deep cut, because I never heard it.

Did we learn nothing from King Kong?

I thought that was more of an Argentine Dirty War thing. But I get your point.

Does Hispanic count as white? If not, you're idea intrigues me, amigo.

I'm not so sure the problem is capitalism. If United wanted to behave under the rules of capitalism they could have continued upping the amount given to bumped passengers until they got four people willing to take it.

Hey, it may be United's fault for not either finding another way to get their staff to Louisville or coming up with an offer that the passengers would be willing to take, but let's not forget the longstanding problem of American police needlessly escalating situations until they lead to injury or worse. So there is a


There'd be a lot more if the tags were related to who comments on them.

I can't believe they're surprised by people's reaction to this. When we hear about something like this what do they Qantas to do?

"How about this one? Sounds like a black name, right?"

The hotel I work at now (which, like I said, doesn't overbook) waives their cancellation fee if they resell the room. Of course, we only deal with extremely wealthy guests, and you can't fuck them over they way you can the middle class.

"Get back in there, you mock turtle!"