Rollo Tomassi

Ugh, Maureen Dowd. She thinks she's so fucking cute.

I worked at a hotel that overbooked on occasion. (The place I'm at now is way too small to overbook rooms; they're all individually assigned in advance, and moving people around at all is a huge headache.) It really sucked when we'd know that someone was on their way who wasn't going to get a room. We'd send them to

The State Department?

Do those people then sell drugs and impregnate the locals? Was the person who told you this Paul LePage?

Yeah, and Steve Bannon's been crashing in there for weeks. It wouldn't be so bad, but he just sits on the couch in his underwear, smokes inside and hasn't showered or shaved once in all this time.

Funny that the three late-night satirical news shows that are on right now are hosted by a Brit, a South African and a Canadian.

You're right. That's why I get all my news from Breitbart, Stormfront, and that one angry voice in my head. The one that tells me to do the bad things.

I've always figured that when they brag about their ratings, they're just talking about how they're doing compared to other cable news channels. So misleading, maybe, but not straight up lying.

So this is set in the early 80's, but the guy happens to have a Time magazine from 1966 in his possession? Maybe his problem isn't so much a lack of God in his life as that he's a hoarder.

You won't have to!

It's true; they can't say that. You see, those two networks generally don't lie.

He really knows how to chip away at Republican intransigence.

Every time I see something about Ron Johnson (the senator), I get Jackson Browne stuck in my head.

Because saying healthcare is a right (which I believe, by the way) won't magically make the votes appear to actually create a national healthcare system?

Texture does absolutely make a difference, and in some applications that matters, but not in all, and if you're buying one salt over another one of the same texture because it's from Hawaii or Nepal or it's a pretty color or something like that, then you've basically fallen for a scam.

The texture is different, yes, but the flavor is salt, either way.

Then he tells you to hire a sex worker.

True, but Sam the Eagle, in spite of his decades of work for the Republican party, was rejected for a position in the administration because he criticized Trump during the election.

Well, yeah. Even when he was totally fucking up as president, I doubt anyone thought Carter was anything other than well-meaning and sincere.

I'll go with….don't.