Rollo Tomassi

They've certainly beaten the Carter administration on that front.

We're in a tight spot, because we need to reach out to Trump's marginal supporters, but without compromising any basic liberal (in other words, humane and tolerant) principles. Their support is important, but the racism, misogyny and homophobia that they've backed, tacitly and otherwise, can't be tolerated or

Yeah, it's sort of a nihilistic political philosophy. "I'm going to vote for this guy because I know it'll piss off all those smug rich people on the coast and hopefully teach the blacks and hispanics that this still isn't their country."

According to Wikipedia, the first one to hold the title was Simeon I of Bulgaria.

Whether it's justified or not.

Yes, but ironically racist.

More like eleven months.

When it comes to historical memory they really got gypped.

But if his family is Mexican, then he's most likely mestizo, which means he has Native American heritage. There would, in fact, be lots of people who do identify as Native who have less of that heritage than he does.

He's definitely on my list of "authors I should give another try now that I'm well into my adult years." So are Hemingway and Fitzgerald, actually.

I've never actually said that. In fact, the only person I've really talked to about it is my girlfriend, and I think I just said something like, "I'm sorry honey, but you know that I talk to *everyone* like this!"

I have an unfortunate tendency to come off condescending in conversation. I've always been a little self-conscious about it (when I notice it, anyway) but now that I've become more aware of it as a gendered issue I'm even more worried about how I sound. Sometimes when I'm having a conversation with a woman I want to

Oh, yeah. All those people financially benefitting from pointing out misogyny. They are legion.

I agree with you on your author choices almost 100%. I never could get interested in Hemingway and Fitzgerald, love Steinbeck and Vonnegut and enjoy the hell out of Twain. Never had the patience for Faulkner, though…

I think mansplaining is a very useful term, because everyone knows exactly what it is without it having to be, ahem, explained to them. We've all seen it happen on so many occasions that only those who are completely willfully blind to it can pretend not to know it's a thing. However, it has gotten way, way overused.

If you are both a baseball fan and a mustache enthusiast, the 70's A's are going to be your go-to for a lot of conversation.

Have you seen the movie "No?" It's about the 1988 Chilean plebiscite on whether or not to abolish the Pinochet dictatorship, and it was actually shot on the same kind of tape that Chilean TV news was in the 80's. That way the movie could blend in with actual footage more or less seamlessly.

It's standard for all the Murdoch-owned papers. Makes it easier for them to read your texts and listen to your voicemails.

Be Shitty to the Servants

Hey, it just says "9/11." Nobody said which year.