Rollo Tomassi

"Selling candy bars, huh? I can relate. I used to sell Butterfingers myself."

Actually, part of what makes me 56% of what I was in 1998 is that I'm about 150% of what I was then.

Liked, but not because I enjoyed the comment so much as I'm surprised it has no upvotes yet.

-Mick Taylor

Come to think of it, I bought the new Pixies album and a couple of other things in 2016, and it was the first time I'd purchased music in literally years. Of course, I only got them because someone gave me an iTunes gift card.

Really? I hear it's been going down for ages.

In many important ways, I also am only 56% of what I was in 1998.

I know a guy named Tom Cruise. He's a real piece of shit. Oh, and I work with a Debbie Gibson. She's a sweetheart.

Looking at his picture I actually thought at first that he was the mayor in Miller's Crossing.

I wish the review said when this show takes place. Seems like an easy fact to work in there. I'm guessing circa 1800?

And everyone and their mother wouldn't feel free to write a book speculating on his identity.

That's awesome. I guess they did a good job, because I never noticed.

He's an insult to all us decent fat sex criminals.

An homage to Coppola!

But Gerald Ford said there was no Soviet domination of Poland!

Thank god that nowadays we don't beat confessions out of people. Instead, we threaten them with disproportionate sentences so they'll plead out. Much more humane.


The aftermath of the Civil War would have been about the easiest time to just show up somewhere without arousing suspicion. Lots of people wandering around, I'm sure. Deserters, people whose homes had been destroyed, recently released POW's, and so on.

Yeah, it happens every once in a while, and probably always will, but I'd still say the thought is inconceivable to most of us. Most but not all, sadly.

Just saw "Compulsion" a few weeks ago, and I was totally spellbound by Welles' anti-death penalty speech. It probably helps that it pretty much sums up my feelings on the issue exactly.