Rollo Tomassi

Did you look at her comment history? Looks like every single one was about Scientology. I get it, it's a horrible organization, and something should be done about the way it abuses and scams people, but it's important to care about other things in life.

"Fleeing to the Oldies"

If that quote was just a little pithier it wouldn't have been rejected in favor of "Make America Great Again."

"It's a set, just like the moon!"

I'm sure he thinks all kids need to be smacked around a little. Probably by just any adult who sees them misbehaving. Provided the adult is white, of course.

True story: I am technically a supervisor at my job (a hotel), but I'm usually the only person working my shift, so I do very little actual supervision. I once told a coworker who was wrapping up his shift that he should do something, I forget what, before going home, and he said, "I don't think I'm gonna do that," or

Stop using made up words!!!!

Maybe that's what Whitney was trying to say.

Make America Flat Again!

Maybe the earth, while not flat, is somewhat convex.

Either that, or they don't believe that the flight path on the little screen is the actual route the plane is taking.

Don't worry. Pretty soon schools can receive vouchers so they can teach the flat earth theory to kids.

How is it that when an athlete decides not to stand for the national anthem or makes a slightly controversial political statement there's a total shitstorm, but they can say stupid shit like this and nobody criticizes them for it. I mean, in what world is, "Policing in this country reflects institutional racism to

Fair enough. I guess I should have said, "I don't know anyone who has shared their autism diagnosis with me."

It can't be comfortable for him to sit in a car that long.

It's to maintain the conspiracy, duh.

Does that make you a Chubb chaser?

I wouldn't say "Rain Man" is all I know about autism, but I don't think I know anyone who is autistic.

The AV Club -not nearly as funny as it is simply annoying and unnerving.

I'm thinking mostly Rain Man references. I did see one in another thread, but it's pretty mild.