Rollo Tomassi

The Chubb group?

True. Not to mention, all that needs to happen for something to become a partisan issue is for liberals or Democrats to say something about it and then Republicans will reflexively take the opposite position. If the Democratic leadership were to announce tomorrow that they'd like to increase autism research funding,

I don't know. Autism seems like a pretty nonpartisan thing.

Eleven minutes and nobody has made any tasteless autism jokes yet. I'm pleasantly surprised, but also feel a little like I don't know the commenters here anymore.

Another pun thread? Really? 'Member what happened last time?

I was thinking maybe something with emails.

Actually, it was changed from Drumpf to Trump long before his family emigrated to America, but thanks for playing!

Anyone here ever see "I Cover the Waterfront?" Early thirties thriller about people-smugglers who throw Chinese immigrants overboard when they think they're about to get caught by the police. The thing gets uncovered by a typical bland whitebread hero of the time, who falls in love with the smuggler's daughter

I voted for Tom Campbell for senate, but I wouldn't have if I'd thought there was a chance he could have beaten Feinstein. That's the only time I ever voted for a Republican.

If Jeff Sessions had been in charge of drug policy at that time, Allen might still be in prison.

It might be.

The Weird was also by Starlin. It was pretty…weird. And the hero dies in the end. And they meant it. You don't see that much in comics.

I want to be optimistic, though. In '73 there were no Republicans who wanted Nixon out, and even the Democrats had a huge conservative contingent that stood by him. He lost his support very gradually at first, and then really quickly as the "smoking gun" tapes came out. By the end you even had Pat Buchanan pissed off

I don't think I ever read any Wrightson Swamp Thing, and really had very little exposure to any of his work, but when I was about thirteen he did a mini-series called The Weird that I was absolutely in love with. Really talented guy.

OK, so instead of "the fifties" I should have said "the fifties through the seventies."

I honestly thought he had died at least ten years ago. Probably mixing him up with another old-school journalist.

Oops. Guess I was wrong. It did go down a bit in the fifties, though, right?

The fifties are unique in that people got married so young. We're so used to the idea that "in the old days" people married in their late teens or early twenties, but it was actually something of an anomaly. Just one of the many things that were more or less unique to the postwar years that we tend to think of as

When I was in high school, it seemed like Green Day was playing a show at the Phoenix Theatre in Petaluma every week. I'd always get these flyers handed to me by some superhip upperclassman who'd say, "Hey guys, Green Day this Saturday. You should check it out." And not only did I never check it out, I never even

You know who else deserved respect? The women Chuck Berry videotaped in the bathroom.