Rollo Tomassi

Not that Marion Berry. The other one. The congressman.

The F-28 Swift

I see what you did there.

This just makes me want to watch all the videos in Stephen Colbert's "John McCain green screen challenge."

She seems very nice. Not at all a Negga with an attitude.

The AV Club

I think that was the name people were using for the white supremacist music festival that happened in the 80's.

That's weird. I was actually there and didn't hear anyone yelling "Coachella" during their set. Of course, I was way in the back, taking a break after nearly dying of dehydration during the Pixies' set.

"Nor did Dick and Jane- especially Jane- have any fun with you."

Kiss my Derry-erre!

"Guess what? It turns out you CAN ignore court rulings if you want!"

He reads Chick tracts, but the religious stuff goes over his head? I could see that.

It's as though someone actually sat down and said, "What's the most complicated phonology we can make for this language without inventing any new letters?"

I got it pretty much just for the Criterion movies, which I barely even watched, and then they went away. Then I used it pretty much every day just to watch The Daily Show and a few other Comedy Central things. Now most of them have been removed. So I still have Hulu for…a couple of British shows I might eventually

I remember it as being pretty decent, just with a little bit too much of the "Oh look, it's my good friend Douglas Fairbanks and his wife, Mary Pickford," type of exposition.

Perry would have a slight advantage due to his larger hands.

Canada isn't sending us their best. They're sending schoolyard bullies, they're sending Robin Thicke, and some, I assume, are good people.

I too wish that when Matthew Perry was in fifth grade he'd beaten up a 33-year old Donald Trump.

Wouldn't they have just teased him about his dad's record-low approval rating?

Well, I imagine it would take some pretty serious balls to beat up the Prime Minister's son.