Rollo Tomassi

Just like the Trump administration!

Thing is, it's impossible to find an unopened bottle of Ripple.

I guess it makes sense in that case. For some reason I was reading it as, "Here's how this guy avoided getting fined for driving in the carpool lane" when obviously the fine wasn't the issue, it was getting pulled over for being in the carpool lane when he didn't belong there.

A firstie on the new newswire comments is only worth 70% of a regular firstie, though.

I hadn't. And now I know… the rest of the story.

I work at a hotel in Wine Country that Johnny Depp stayed at a few years ago, and I can attest that, while he did order some stuff from me, he didn't get any $5000 wines. Had I known that $5000 bottles of wine were his jam, I would have certainly suggested it, not because I'm philosophically committed to the idea that

I think they're saying that even unadjusted for inflation, flights cost what they did decades ago, which obviously makes them much cheaper in real terms.

Price opacity drives me nuts. It undermines the supposed number one rule of capitalism, which is that consumer choice creates the most efficient markets. That's why American health care sucks, and that's a big part of why air travel sucks. Plus it's just super lame to search a flight, sit on it for a couple of days

I read about that recently, and have a hard time seeing how he saved any money that way. Maybe he really didn't, but just liked the idea of knowing he was pulling one over on the government.

Hey, if you can get me from San Francisco to London for the price of dinner, I'd seriously consider standing up the whole time.

If they'd just stuck it out for a few more years they would have been around for the full flowering of the Asian "let's do all kinds of expensive shit because we can" movement. Maybe SF-Singapore-Dubai could be their big moneymaker now.

We've made enormous strides in communication and memory storage, which are hugely important, but not as dramatic as the changes that someone would have seen if they'd lived any time in, say, the 150 years starting with 1800. You bring a time traveler from 1900 to 1950 and they'll barely recognize the world. Bring one

Remember the Concorde? It never made money. People definitely aren't interested in paying more to get somewhere faster. I mean, if they could cut the flight time by like 80% you'd have a market for it, but just bringing it down from five hours to three or whatever didn't seem to be worth it for very many people.

Wow. No comments yet. On an article about weed. The new system is really driving the regulars away.

There's diners, for sure, but the Greek-owned diner isn't really a thing there like in New York.

Maybe in some parts of the state, but I haven't encountered them around here. Of course, the nearest big city is San Francisco, and there aren't a ton of diners there. Just Asian food. What diners there are seem to be run by either Asians or Latinos.

Presumably said about five minutes after he found out he'd lost the 1945 election.

Greek diners are not a thing on my coast.

Maybe they were put there by Border Ruffians supporting the Lecompton constitution.

Yeah, but that's just so he has something available to wipe up the mess.