Rollo Tomassi

Trump and his administration have done a lot of reprehensible things. They've done a lot of stupid, ill-considered things. But I don't think a typo really falls into either of those categories.

S.E. Hinton published a classic novel at eighteen. I have over 7600 comments on the AV Club at 40. I win!

McDonald's: The official burger of Bertolt Brecht

In Germany, some time in the 1920's. Here, about a year ago.

I was afraid that I wouldn't tell the story right, but I think I managed to pull it off.

It's a story that tugs at your heartstrings.

Not sure. I only heard the story second-hand, so to speak.

The AV Club

A friend of a friend once got a massage at a place in SF, not realizing that its business wasn't primarily massage, if you know what I mean. I guess the woman, who didn't speak much English, gave him a pretty decent, non-sexual rubdown but at the end, when a regular massage therapist would normally say, "OK, I'm going

Don't blame Juan; he just works there.

Bombed a mosque.

The page these are on includes one from an episode called "Coal Miner's Slaughter," which is absolutely fantastic.

Cabot Cove is full of American carnage!

Only a matter of time before the MRA's show up and accuse everyone of being Hitchcucks.

"It was very unfair and wrong to treat white people like that."

Maybe they just ran out of room in their "Things to blame the Jews for" notebook.

It's amazing that people who complain so much about anti-immigrant sentiment in 1845 manage to insist that it was such a bad thing then and such a good one today.

Eh, they already hated the Jews for everything else.

Well, since race is just a societal construct all that needs to happen for the Spanish and Portuguese to be different races is for people to just decide that they're different races. It worked for the Hutus and Tutsis.

I think "The English Disease" was actually a term for homosexuality back in the day.