Rollo Tomassi

Death Planet: The Planet That Eats People

I'd forgotten about our constitutional right to blowjobs.

Fair enough. My point, basically, is that not all Germans were foaming-at-the-mouth Jew haters, and many, maybe most, wouldn't have considered themselves personally to have a big problem with Jews. But you don't need all, or most, or maybe even all that many, for some truly bad shit to go down.

I think it was on John Oliver last week where I saw a clip of a woman talking about how she needed Obamacare to live, but she just wished they had called it something other than Obamacare because she hates the guy so much. I wonder if once the cameras were off they took the opportunity to tell her that it's actually

"Eins! Zwei! One two drei vier!"

It is an exaggeration, but how much of an exaggeration depends on what store you're talking about, really. I can think of a few that would basically only have Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Amy Tan and maybe a handful of others.

Why not be happy with what you can get?

I mean, I'd love it if we lived in a world where absolute freedom of movement was possible, but that can't really happen until incomes are roughly equivalent everywhere, so best case scenario maybe a couple hundred years.

"Future makes history."

Yeah, that's a pretty stupid "controversy." It presupposes that feminism is against things like sex and fun.

I think most Germans at the time could certainly be considered anti-Semites in the sense that they didn't particularly care what happened to the Jews, but I find it unlikely that most Germans actively hated them. Most Germans weren't Nazis. They enabled the Nazis, which is plenty. I think it's important to acknowledge

It's not a competition. White women have it easier than nonwhite men in many ways, but that doesn't make their complaints illegitimate. Women are underrepresented in literature. Minorities are underrepresented in literature. Imagine if they'd removed all the books from their shelves that weren't written by minority

I only watch movies that would be acceptable to the singers of songs like "Loser" and "Runaway," thus passing the Beck/Del test.

Does calling attention to one injustice somehow diminish the others?

And this way someone looking for a specific male-authored book can still find, and more importantly purchase, it.

Don't forget George Eliot.

Wait, where are we looking at topless Emma Watson?

Loganberries are a difficult enemy to fight, due to their mutant healing factor.

Upvoted because there aren't nearly enough Loretta Lynn references around here.

I think the Bechdel test and the Bechtel test are different things. Movies pass the second one if they're acceptable to large multinational corporations.