Rollo Tomassi

The implication is that people sho aren't Nazis should stop supporting Nazi metal bands.

Who said they shouldn't be allowed to promote their viewpoints?

Getting criticized for stupid shit is lame, and can certainly make someone defensive, but it's important to recognize that some criticism can be valid.

Literally no one is arguing for open borders and uncontrolled immigration. To argue that anyone is is about as hyperbolic as calling someone who wants increased immigration restrictions a Nazi.

When discussing a country or region's issues, I always try to avoid saying things like, "Russians are really racist," in favor of things like "Russia has a big problem with racism right now." Blanket statements tend to lump people who aren't part of the problem in with those who are, obviously, but they also create a

I realize Jello Biafra was addressing punks rather than metalheads, but "In a real Fourth Reich you'd be the first to go" still applies.

Where in the article does it indicate that he doesn't listen to metal? He seems pretty knowledgable about a lot of bands. I think you're assuming that someone who is critical of any aspect of the genre must not like it, period. You can see the flaw in that logic, right?

I'm not going to address your racism and conspiracy theories, but I will mention that it's the 14th amendment that's been interpreted as making corporations people, not the thirteenth. Not to imply that's the one flaw that causes your reasoning to collapse or anything. Just wanted to point out that you're incorrect on

"I know that these are hard times for print journalists. I mean, I read that, on the internet."

What are you talking about? Gay men typically shy away from musical theater.

I think they're wary of the whole McCarthyism thing. Of course, the problem with McCarthy wasn't that he was against Russia and Russian espionage. It was that he accused anyone who had the slightest leftward tilt in their politics of wanting to destroy America. If he'd focused on actual spying and Soviet manipulation,

No, he WAS deported. Back to the United States. So it's actually the other way around. If he'd been allowed to stay in Bavaria we wouldn't be dealing with this.

I saw ET in the theater when I was six. My parents actually took me out of school, told my teacher I had a doctor's appointment and brought me to a matinee. I totally hated it. I didn't want to be there, I think largely because I was unaware of the plan beforehand, and I found the movie creepy and uncomfortable. I've

I'm assuming the people who are mad about this have terrible reading comprehension and think that the accountants are somehow responsible for Moonlight winning instead of La La Land. Or they think that Moonlight won fair and square and the accountants tried to give it to La La Land. Either seems like a thing people

It got way less enjoyable once crazier shit started happening in real life.

Actually, Crackle is free. It's still not really worth it, somehow.

One plus for Beethoven is that he could read the administration's main philosophical tracts in their original language.

What a horrible person. Did she think that literally every book store in the country ought to be giving a special push to her most recent book at all times? It sounds like she has little to no awareness that she's at best a B-grade celebrity.

As would his insistence on always doing his recurring characters.

"I've redecorated the Oval Office, and now it looks marvelous!"