Rollo Tomassi

Saw a tweet the other day that said something like, "Anyone who thinks that there are literally thousands of people being paid to go to protests needs to try and put together a crowd scene for an indie movie."

I wasn't talking so much about his impressions of specific people, but of certain accents and types. His impressions of specific individuals tend to be adequate, but not amazing.

"America used to win all the time, but in the last twenty or thirty years, someone set us up the bomb."

I was giving the abridged version.

"Actually, it's from the Trump Tower Grill. They make the Asian food. I love Nips!!!"

"Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Prime Minister or President or whatever it is you people have. I look forward to working with Japan on the issues that affect both our countries. Your country is one of the most important of all the Oriental countries, just huge. I think we're gonna get along beautifully. Tonight we're

I thought that was Vallejo. Or Stockton.

Or unpleasant. If you're conservative, you think that being an abrasive asshole is a qualification for government service.

"Do you know who I am?"

*An angry Spike Lee tweets Grace Jones' address*

The number one way in which space is like my garage.

I disagree.

I'll tell my girlfriend that joke. Chimay find it funny.

Ah, yes. The famous Jolly Moshe.

That sounds improbable. A Black Swan event, I think they're called.

Yo ho ho and a bottle of Manischewitz!

I'd like to see a parade of Jewish pirates.

His birthday is Flag Day. I could easily see someone right-wingers deciding that should be a holiday so they can get a twofer.

Rosemary was actually his niece.

Maybe it's not referring to her age. Maybe she's had a couple of drinks and she's blowing .07.