Rollo Tomassi

I hear she's Ancient.

-Donald J. Trump, signing an executive order.

Don't you mean 3000 years younger?

Strictly speaking, Dick Tracy isn't a comic book, but a comic strip. Still, it's adventure/crime aspects make it pretty similar to superheroes.

Jay tries to get inside her once a week or so.

The AV Club.

I'd just wait and read about his show the next day when I get the papers get the papers.

Jimmy Smits?

He collects classic phones from back when industry knew how to makes thinks both beautiful and functional.

It'll be almost impossible to actually win though, since they'll be using alternative answers to all the questions.

Who'd like to see a resurgence in Ben Stein's career? Anyone? Anyone?

My family's name used to be Horowitz, but we changed it to Prostituteowitz.

That's fucked up. She's a dumbass, but "crack whore," seriously?

I thought the Supreme Court legalized Horowitzes nationwide?

Well, *I* haven't met him.

I'm sure publishers cover their asses pretty well with morals-clause type stuff. He might get to keep some of the advance, but I doubt all of it.

I tried a reverse Horowitz on my girlfriend the other night and ended up hurting my back.

Puns are totally my krypton-ite.

I totally agree. Milo is a horrible person, which is no reflection on the gay community whatsoever. His boyfriend is presumably either also a horrible troll or a person who is utterly indifferent to all the ways in which this guy is awful.

Eh, it's better than nothing.