Rollo Tomassi

I was going to say "That depends which Jew you're talking about," but then I thought about it and shit, I'd back David Berkowitz over Nazis.

There are tons of strip clubs that serve breakfast. From what I hear, strip clubs are so ubiquitous in Portland that they end up competing on what else they have to offer, to the point that some of the best cheap meals you can get just happen to be in strip clubs. My friend who used to live there told me that it was

A Meatery.

Just like the servers!

It's like the steak house at a casino or something. You know, no charm, no individuality, food is good but not great, and entrees are still like 65 bucks.

I'm with you re: not wanting to mix food with horniness. If I want to see tits and ass that bad, I can go look at strippers; if I want food, I can go to someplace that isn't a crappy chain restaurant. Mixing food and sex ruins them both.

That's the only time I was regularly reading any Batman stories, so you must be correct. It's a well-known fact that nothing is better than the stuff you loved when you were twelve.

I was about eleven when that issue came out. I spent a lot of time trying to explain to a lot of people (adults) who didn't give a shit about comics why that was so awesome and hilarious.

I like goofy Silver Age comics in small doses, but after a while I tend to get really frustrated with the narrative incoherence. Batman is actually not too bad in that respect compared to a lot of other stuff. I have a collection of the first few issues of the Justice League of America, and if not for the Mike

So that's Trump's game.

My knowledge of Hannibal Hamlin is so limited that I can't speak to whether he would have been better than Johnson. I mean, it's hard to see how he could have been worse, but who knows? Still, he would undoubtedly have had the most bad-ass sounding name of any president.

I know. Actually, I think these tweets are generally a lot more factual than Trump's.

Yeah, apparently my county was mostly settled by people from Arkansas and Missouri. We had a struggle over the county seat some years later, culminating in people from one town stealing all the public documents from the courthouse in the town down the way. Supposedly, the reason nobody made them return them was that

The county I live in in California went for Breckinridge, which is insane. Slavery was illegal here, and we certainly weren't going to join the Confederacy no matter what happened, but people here took one look and decided, "Yep, the candidate whose entire platform is 'Screw the Union. Long live the South. Slavery

It's a really cool sounding name; I'll give him that.

"Goofy William Tecumseh Pocahontas Sherman will never take Atlanta! Don't listen to failing New-York Times!"

At least he didn't tweet.

Nancy Wake is my new hero.

There are lots of bad osos out there.

Why is there a Jack in the Box ad autoplaying every single time I read an article on AV Club? It's really unpleasant and I'd like it to stop.