Rollo Tomassi

Ain't institutional racism grand?

Good call.

I wouldn't worry. No jury in the world is going to award Duke more than a dollar in a civil case.

Yeltsin may have only slept for four hours a night, but he was in a blackout for sixteen, so he was actually pretty well-rested.

I'm hoping that Trump's car wreck of an administration kills the idea that what we need is a businessman to run the country. It'd be nice if it reduces the appeal of celebrities-turned-politicians, also, but I'm not real hopeful about that.

Actually, the attacker was a representative, not a senator, which means he had to go to the other chamber and find the guy he wanted to beat. Politics used to be even crazier than they are now, although this is the first time we've had a carnival barker as president.

I had good pizza in Croatia and Bosnia. Maybe all the great pizza makers left Serbia during the war or something.

How about we make a big deal about Bannon because he's fucking terrible, and then when Trump gets rid of him we can be relieved because the Trump administration, while still awful, is now a little less dangerous?

Whatever; my phone keeps sending alerts to tell me that it's flooded outside, as though I can't tell that it's raining like crazy. This isn't too different. Awareness isn't a bad thing.

"It's raining vengeance, mother fuckers!"

They're probably cool with Red, too.

Plus, they're running a secret Ewok-porn ring out of Endor.

Besides, I hear that a hundred years ago the Jedi were in support of emperor Palpatine.

I do Nazi how this is funny.

"Rolling coal doesn't help, buddy."

I don't think it's a bad thing for people to know that a significant portion of the president's supporters are insufferable douchebags. It might not be important in isolation, but it's good for us to have an idea of what type of person we're dealing with here.

It's amazing to see how much angrier these people are when they win than when they lose. I imagine that if Trump ever actually does suspend the constitution and seize absolute power they'll still be whining about how blacks aren't stepping off the sidewalk fast enough when they walk by or something.

On the plus side the posted price, which I assumed was for a slice, was for the whole pizza, so my slice really did cost what was essentially pocket change. Of course, the lady at the counter was pissed when she had to go in back and open up a lockbox to make change for what was probably something like ten bucks. If

Apparently that's Sicilian style, so instead of Albany or Rome, let's say Syracuse.

The worst I've ever had was in Belgrade. I think the sauce might literally have been ketchup. I threw it in the trash. Waste of 50 cents.