Rollo Tomassi

That's how they do it in Rome. I think it was Rome. Somewhere in Italy. It's been a while since I was there.

It's not just the pizza no one cares about.

One of the few cases where it can't be two things.

The woods.

Sadly, 2017 looks to be the start of a new and shitty historical era. Let's hope the damage is kept to a minimum.

And what we think of as the sixties went on until about 1974.

I can't believe their first movie didn't come out until 1978. It's the most stereotypically 70's thing I can imagine and most of them were made in the 80's. It's like finding out Duran Duran didn't release an album until 1989.


Yes. They come cheaper when you get the complete set.

Wouldn't someone who put his life on the line for our country to get in trouble for something stupid.

Hopefully they end up where she was a few years ago.

They were heroes.

"They called it the 'people's car?' This proves that the Nazis were left-wingers!"- a commenter we've never seen before with lots of links to alternet.

I saw that video and had to wonder if they decided to give him a brown tie because they wanted to make people think of brown shirts.

And if us working schlubs time it right we can end up with an entire Paula Dean cookware set for a song!

I got some pretty nice stuff for a pretty good price on the Nordstrom Rack website, which was cool, but now they're emailing me literally a couple of times a day, and it's pretty obnoxious.

I prefer the the fermented yeast extract of the first commercially produced artificial plastic, or as it's colloquially known, Bakelitelite.

Life went on for most, they just paid less in taxes and spent more of their time being raped by Visigoths.

Unfortunately, a big chunk of the population's attitude toward the Trump administration's lying is the same as Pryor's attitude towards his kids' lying. "OK. Shit, if you can keep that story straight, then fuck it."

The Enquirer has been mercilessly smearing the Clintons for decades now. They're pretty shitty to other Democrats, but they've been especially viscous to Hillary.