Rollo Tomassi

Maybe most of those were people who accidentally hit enter before they were able to type "running away from."

Technically they can refuse, but I'd be surprised if I encountered an attendant that gave enough of a shit not to.

What government entity denied Yiannopolos his free speech? Or are you suggesting that the ACLU ought to sue the protesters?

The Nazis also built highways. Highways are fascist! Everybody get off the highways! Those are Nazi roads!

It's a joke, dipshit. I don't actually subscribe to the stereotype I'm referencing.

Oh, go fuck yourself.

Government has the power to ensure everyone has equal access to services. That's well-established. If businesses had the right to discriminate we'd be back where we were during Jim Crow, when everyone was theoretically equal under the law but not in practice.

I hear he's a very good boy. Yes he is.

Yeah, Innerspace was huge!

I think it was Tom Tomorrow who said that liberals think conservatives are just uninformed and can be convinced if they hear the facts, but conservatives think liberals are crazy. I think that's mostly accurate, and it explains how the smugness differs. Liberals think conservatives are stupid and conservatives think

Yeah, but there's still no reason to refer to the guy by that name exclusively. It was a great bit when Oliver did it, but it got old pretty fast, and anyone who thinks it's amusing at this point is sadly mistaken.

Video exists of him ignoring a Madonna song playing in the background.

I bet he likes pizza too, but doesn't feel the need to mention it every five minutes.

I hate it when I'm reading an otherwise intelligent comment that does that. The whole thing will be well spoken and make good points, but "Faux News" and "Drumpf" will be spread throughout, and often multiple times, just in case we didn't get it the first time, I guess.

Exactly. I have friends who are saying that we need to start arming ourselves and that violence is an acceptable way to protest and I'm just like, "I'm pretty sure we're not at that stage yet." The ones talking about how we need to get guns are the dumbest. Even in the extremely unlikely event of Trump being

It amazes me how so much of what passes for conservative discourse is just smug dismissiveness. I thought we were supposed to be the smug ones.

Tomi Lahren seems like someone who came to her beliefs after like one conversation and will defend them to the death regardless. Like she went to a conservative meeting once and said, "Yep, that's gonna be me from now on." She seems like maybe she "researches" a topic by googling a few articles (from Breitbart, of

I definitely have no use for religion, but I don't see any need to be an asshole to people over their deeply held beliefs unless they're using those beliefs as an excuse to be shitty to someone.

I think that that's how he should always be referred to, even if you're speaking of or to him in a social context. "Oh hey, it's convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza. I had no idea he was going to be at this party. How have you been, convicted felon Dinesh? Obviously better now than you were a little while ago when you were

They're just offal.