Rollo Tomassi

I think I agree with this. It's obviously reflective of gender bias in language, but I think that rooting that out would be a Sisyphean task.

So what's the appropriate article to use with "Latinx?" Has a gender neutral one been invented? If not, I don't see much point in using "Latinx" when it still needs prefaced with el/la/los/las/un/una/unos/unas.

Are you talking about Spanish or English-speaking people, though? Is it common for Spanish speakers to do this or is it more of a gringo affectation?

I think it also bothers me because it's specifically a written thing. I mean, it's not intended to be actually said. That's weird, and makes it seem even more like it's a bit of an erudite pretension.

It was great, but to make any more would probably kill the novelty.

That could get old pretty quickly. I think one full episode and random clips here and there is just about the perfect amount of Horsin' Around.

Bojack nails everything. I mean, Bojack the show gets everything exactly right. Although Bojack the character also nails everything, when given the chance.

The creator is a few years younger than me, but good lord are the pop culture jokes on that show wide-ranging. There's a lot of stuff I don't get because I'm too young and a lot I don't get because I'm too old. And a lot I don't get because I'm still laughing at the last joke and didn't hear the one they just made.

I think you have it exactly right, that "Latin" is generally reserved as a descriptor for the language.

Jimmy Carter 2020! Hell, he's only seventeen years older than Sanders.

His dad's approval rating in 1991 was the highest of any president in history, but he still managed to lose reelection. The public is a fickle beast.

FDR definitely was hated by Republicans. Monroe is the only president I can think of who was near-universally popular in his time. (I was going to say Washington, but JMP reminded me about the Whiskey Rebellion. I'm not counting what he said about slaves and Native Americans, though, because "popularity with voters"

That's actually a pretty good idea. Too bad I'm not on the Twitter.

Failing Ovid hasn't had a hit poem in years! Attacking me 2 increase ratings. IT WON"T WORK! Sad!

Hey man, we can't help it if the ratio of homeless people to available public restrooms is approximately 10,000 to one. Well, actually , I guess we can.

It's only a matter of time before we have some sort of Bundy ranch incident with State of Jefferson advocates.

That is definitely a factor.


It's like that little chunk of land that is neither Egypt nor Sudan.

Honestly, he probably was in favor of eventual black equality, but just didn't want to say so. He was a racist, but relatively progressive for the time.