Rollo Tomassi

Which version of Scarface? I mean, they're both basically the same as far as the immigration theme, but one is obviously a lot scarier looking than the other.

I feel like every election for the next two decades years is going to have people saying, "Bernie would have won, you know."

I think a greater percentage of my Libertarian friends voted for her than my far-left friends did.

This is dead on. (Well, except the part about Kucinich being the best president, but let's just agree to disagree.)

"Sense and Unsuitability"

Instead of pictures of Trump, government offices should put up pictures of buttholes and see how long it takes people to notice.

"What's a book?"-Gary Johnson

Great first lady? Are you kidding? Everyone knows Bernie would have been the best first lady America ever had, and the only reason he never was is because the corrupt establishment did everything in their power to prevent it! He could have also been Secretary of State and a senator from New York at the same time he

I'm not even saying it isn't. I'm saying that it's perfectly reasonable for someone to think otherwise without being called a Nazi themselves.

It can be two things.

So you think that things like, "Violence isn't the answer," or, "We shouldn't stoop to their level," or, "We shouldn't break the law," actually mean, "I'm concerned with the Nazis' well-being?"

I've never heard anything about Barron at all, other than "He's good with the cyber." I've never heard of him doing or saying anything shitty or petulant. He may very bell a little shit, but I think it's incredibly misguided to attack a ten year-old kid entirely because his dad and siblings are horrible people. In a

Saying that you shouldn't punch Richard Spencer isn't necessarily sympathizing with Richard Spencer.

*Sees grey skies. Is not turned on.*

Keep your government hands off my Medicare!

"I think President Trump's latest move was ill-considered."
-Vladimir Putin

Flemings or Walloons? Because I need to know whether to tell them to go back to France or Dutchland.

Adolf Coors. Now there's a real American name.

I'd like to thank you and your sister for giving me this elderberry wine, Miss Brewster.

*Goes in through the out door*