Rollo Tomassi

"Draft Punk" would be a good name for a release of a punk band's early recordings and demos.

You're gonna have to, because back-handed compliments are practically the only ones I ever give.

Man, there are a lot of commenters on this thread that I usually respect who are just going off the deep end. Maybe it is OK to punch a Nazi and maybe it isn't, but it's certainly not OK to call someone who is against it a Nazi sympathizer.

I hate to say this, but the right-wing nut is right.

There are a lot of books about dead nazis. One of them in particular has, I think, more published biographies than anyone else in history.

The Nazis *were* met with violence right from the beginning. The SA was formed basically as a private army of street brawlers. They would engage groups of communists in street fights. That was essentially the state of German politics at the time; all of the more extreme parties had their own groups of toughs that went

Even if it turns out she's got a basement full of dead hoboes, she'd be better than what we've got.

She certainly is based on what I know of her. But one of my friends just liked a "Sally Yates for president" Facebook page, and I think that's a bit premature.

I didn't know Rudy Giuliani had a disqus account.

Yeah, well Muslims never killed over 100 Americans, stole the surviving young children and blamed the massacre on Indians.

I have no problem with that.

Oh, get a life.


That's not a bad memory to be able to associate with what's usually a pretty rough year. It'd be better if you'd dated Bo Derek when you were in high school and that's why you associate your sophomore year with her breasts, but you can't have everything.

We rate this myth as…SAD!

Actually, I'd love to see the Mythbusters disprove stuff like the magic bullet theory, the idea that Oswald couldn't have gotten off that many shots in such a short time, and the idea that anything at all about the World Trade Center is consistent with a controlled demolition.

How about "LA 8============>Vegas?

What up, my triggerer?

Did the mythbusters do an episode where they conclusively prove that an iceberg wouldn't cause a ship to sink? And maybe one where jet fuel fails to melt steel beams?

Or Gary Glitter.